Hey guys Unet45 here. Ill be telling you why my username is unet45... Ok so back in.... 2011 when I began to play MC (5 years ago from todays current year) I came up with a dumb username, forgot what it was but it was purely from the essence of the word "Dumb..." A year or so later after I began playing Mineverse, craftgasm and other servers that I was popular on, I decided: "Hey, I need a name that isn't "Dumb..." and can be remembered!" So I went on MC.net an changed it to Unet45. I was going through a really hard family relationship thing so I made that name. why is it so random? well its not so random really... when I was depressed I was trying to reassure myself back to normal, so look U (You) Net (Neat) 45 (my fav number signaling my name.. confusing) So that's my username story <3 hope u liked it
The story behind my username this is rly my older brothers acc he barely uses it. so he named it like a n00b would with the weird mix of caps and numbers le und.