Guys i wake up tomorrow and saw this glitch look at my youtube channel here is a link to the vid please leave a comment and tell to me how its working Ty :
my guess based on what I saw was that a access violation occurred at a memory address ( remember this is a guess). If it where me I would get a program to test memory, then I would run additional tests on the cpu. If both these pass I would check temperature of cpu, if that is fine, i would then try running minecraft with no texture pack. if still no luck run a clean install of minecraft after backing up data and saved games. if no luck after all this, i would recommend consulting a technician.
Uh idk I would try playing without optifine and I definitely wouldn't use any other mods because they will catch you. I didn't think so but I got banned for 31 days yesterday, but I was able to appeal and get it down to 7 days. Good luck!
Hello Razin, From what is shown, I would try removing everything you have installed to Minecraft. If none of that works, reinstall MC and hope for the best. Sorry for the inconvenience. Closing & archiving.