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  • [Story] The Death Dome 2 [Information]

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by TeamTyler, Feb 2, 2016.

    1. TeamTyler

      TeamTyler Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      Alright! Tyler here again. After Season 1, we've decided to have an all new cast for season 2, since the cast of season 1 died. This time, only 12 teens will be thrown into The Death Dome!

      1. Name: Rosegold
      2. Gender/Sex: Female
      3. Age: (15-19) 15
      4. Looks: Her hair is dyed Rosegold. She has a white tee that shows her belly, and short blue denim shorts. Also carries a Rosegold purse.
      5. Likes: Other people she considers "goddesses", the Rose gold color, electricity.
      6. Dislikes: Irrelevant people. Getting dirty.
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10) 3
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10) 6
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10) 3
      10. Background Story: A fashion model who likes telling people to kill themselves. She signed up to show how sexy she thinks she is.
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: Abby

      1. Name: Jaffa
      2. Gender/Sex: Male
      3. Age: (15-19) 19
      4. Looks: Tall, muscular, smart, cunning
      5. Likes: Doing the right thing and always striving for success
      6. Dislikes: Anyone that wants to do harm to him or anyone he loves
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10) 9
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10) 9
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10) 9
      10. Background Story: Jaffa was once a part of a society known as the Goa'uld. He was imprisoned as a young child and was forced to commit the horrible things his old "gods" had told him. He always knew that if he were to go against his community he would be killed, but he did turn against the Goa'uld. He joined with the enemy of his old society and helped them defeat them once and for all.
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: Jaffa's favorite season 1 player was Crimson because of her past of being imprisoned. He felt that he bonded the best with her and was able to understand her pain and suffering.

      1. Name: Lisa
      2. Gender/Sex: girl
      3. Age: (15-19): 16
      4. Looks: okay, so first, imagine cobalt blue hair. now imagine platinum blonde streaks. that's her hair. she wears a blue long sleeved crop top, (let's give her a sexy diamond navel piercing), and white shorts. complete with blue eyes.
      5. Likes: trees, nature. she loves climbing things.
      6. Dislikes: hot things, (fire, lava etc)
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10): 7, i mean she's general a pretty chill person, but she'd 'bite if provoked'
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10): 8
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10): 9
      10. Background Story: her parents forced her, gg.
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: Viola o3o

      1. Name: Lucy
      2. Gender/Sex: girl
      3. Age: (15-19): 15
      4. Looks: light brown curly hair, light brown eyes, and let's give her a cute japanese school uniform
      5. Likes: japanese things, cute things, food
      6. Dislikes: mean people
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10): 10
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10): 5
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10): 6
      10. Background Story: she was pressured into this by her friends
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: kentucky

      1. Name: Ben
      2. Gender/Sex: boy
      3. Age: (15-19): 19
      4. Looks: contrary to his name, he isn't blonde. he has brown hair, brown eyes, and wears jeans with a white tshirt.
      5. Likes: being strong
      6. Dislikes: weakness
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10): 3
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10): 10
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10): 3
      10. Background Story: so he wanted to prove that he's really smart, but he's sorta a jerk lol
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: Jacques

      1. Name: Pat
      2. Gender/Sex: guy
      3. Age: (15-19): 18
      4. Looks: he's thinner/less muscly than blondi, but still muscly, and same size as him, if not bigger. (they're both quite tall), he has the same coloured eye, clothes, etc as blondi but he has pink hair.
      5. Likes: same thing as Ben
      6. Dislikes: same as Ben
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10): 2
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10): 10
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10): 4
      10. Background Story: same as Ben, and he's much more aggressive. (they're brothers btw)
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: Ashley

      1. Name: Irmi
      2. Gender/Sex: girl
      3. Age: (15-19): 17
      4. Looks: pretty similar to the other guys, but she's a bit shorter and less muscly. she has the same jeans and tshirt as them but she has burgundy hair and eyes. (she's their sister)
      5. Likes: same as them
      6. Dislikes: same as them
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10): 5
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10): 10
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10): 5
      10. Background Story: same as her brothers.
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: Crimson

      1. Name: Chiyami, Chi for short
      2. Gender/Sex: Female
      3. Age: (15-19): 15
      4. Looks: choppy red hair, black eyes, crop top like red and black hoodie, and black ripped jeans.
      5. Likes: hot guys, weird things
      6. Dislikes: normal things, pop music, humans. #misanthrope
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10): 5
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10): 7
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10): 7
      10. Background Story: got forced into this by Tyler as his revenge.
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: VERSIC <33

      1. Name: Duncan
      2. Gender/Sex: Male
      3. Age: (15-19) 18
      4. Looks: like Duncan from Total Drama.
      5. Likes: Hot girls
      6. Dislikes: Total Drama, Juvy
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10) 5
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10) 7
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10) 8
      10. Background Story: Spent half his life in juvy./Based off Duncan from Total Drama.
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: He thinks they all suck.

      1. Name: Alec
      2. Gender/Sex: Male
      3. Age: (15-19) 16
      4. Looks: choppy black hair, blood red tee, baby blue jacket and black jeans. Also wears black sunglasses.
      5. Likes: Girls, winning
      6. Dislikes: Horrible people
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10) 10
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10) 3
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10) 1
      10. Background Story: Alec is terrible when it comes to talking to girls. He wants to prove that he is worthy to be somebody's boyfriend.
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: Abi

      1. Name: Stel
      2. Gender/Sex: Female
      3. Age: (15-19) 16
      4. Looks: Blondish/ginerish hair in a ponytail. Wears frilly black tee with the Troll's face on it, and baby blue skirt.
      5. Likes: Trolling
      6. Dislikes: Butthurt 12 year olds.
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10) -10
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10) 9
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10) 8
      10. Background Story: Isn't really one. Just based off @Stel really.
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: @Chiyami because she tried to kill everyone.

      1. Name: Robert
      2. Gender/Sex:
      3. Age: (15-19)
      4. Looks: @robloxianroblox's skin in human form lol.
      5. Likes: His friends, calling people out for their actions, putting others before him.
      6. Dislikes: toxic communities, liars
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10) 10
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10) 8
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10) 10
      10. Background Story: Doesn't like putting up with bull-crap. He can tell when somebody is lying, and is a really kind person. He also signed up because his mother is sick, and he wants to win for her. He wants to use the prize money to pay for a surgery. He believes he can befriend everyone and get far. He also knows if he dies, he has nothing to lose.
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: Abi, because he felt she was abused by Abby.



      12th. Lisa - Lisa vs Rosegold

      Last edited: Feb 3, 2016
    2. Ninja

      Ninja Legendary Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      1. Name: Jaffa
      2. Gender/Sex: Male
      3. Age: (15-19) 19
      4. Looks: Tall, muscular, smart, cunning
      5. Likes: Doing the right thing and always striving for success
      6. Dislikes: Anyone that wants to do harm to him or anyone he loves
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10) 9
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10) 9
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10) 9
      10. Background Story: Jaffa was once a part of a society known as the Goa'uld. He was imprisoned as a young child and was forced to commit the horrible things his old "gods" had told him. He always knew that if he were to go against his community he would be killed, but he did turn against the Goa'uld. He joined with the enemy of his old society and helped them defeat them once and for all.
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: Jaffa's favorite season 1 player was Crimson because of her past of being imprisoned. He felt that he bonded the best with her and was able to understand her pain and suffering.

      I used some names and character information from the TV show Stargate SG1 while developing this character. In the show, the Jaffa were actually a race of people that were forced into serving the Goa'uld, their gods. The character I based this one off of was named Teal'c.
    3. TeamTyler

      TeamTyler Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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    4. Silence

      Silence Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Sooooo confused
    5. Chiyami

      Chiyami Active Member

      Oct 2, 2015
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      i really really really really really hope you don't mind spider people because i'm obsessed with them.

      1. Name: lica
      2. Gender/Sex: g i r l
      3. Age: (15-19): 16
      4. Looks: okay, so first, imagine cobalt blue hair. now imagine platinum blonde streaks. that's her hair. she wears a blue long sleeved crop top, (let's give her a sexy diamond navel piercing), and white shorts. complete with blue eyes.
      5. Likes: trees, nature. she loves climbing things.
      6. Dislikes: hot things, (fire, lava etc)
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10): 7, i mean she's general a pretty chill person, but she'd 'bite if provoked'
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10): 8
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10): 9
      10. Background Story: her parents forced her, gg.
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: Viola o3o

      this one is based of p. metallica. btw, you should totally check out the spiders i'm basing them off. some are gorgeous.

      1. Name: losum
      2. Gender/Sex: girl
      3. Age: (15-19): 15
      4. Looks: light brown curly hair, light brown eyes, and let's give her a cute japanese school uniform
      5. Likes: japanese things, cute things, food
      6. Dislikes: mean people
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10): 10
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10): 5
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10): 6
      10. Background Story: she was pressured into this by her friends
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: kentucky

      this one is based off b. albopilosum

      1. Name: blondi
      2. Gender/Sex: boy
      3. Age: (15-19): 19
      4. Looks: contrary to his name, he isn't blonde. he has brown hair, brown eyes, and wears jeans with a white tshirt.
      5. Likes: being strong
      6. Dislikes: weakness
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10): 3
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10): 10
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10): 3
      10. Background Story: so he wanted to prove that he's really smart, but he's sorta a jerk lol
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: jacques

      he's based off t. blondi, biggest tarantula

      1. Name: pop
      2. Gender/Sex: guy
      3. Age: (15-19): 18
      4. Looks: he's thinner/less muscly than blondi, but still muscly, and same size as him, if not bigger. (they're both quite tall), he has the same coloured eye, clothes, etc as blondi but he has pink hair.
      5. Likes: same thing as blondi
      6. Dislikes: same as blondi
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10): 2
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10): 10
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10): 4
      10. Background Story: same as blondi, and he's much more aggressive. (they're brothers btw)
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: ashley

      yes this was based off t. apophysis

      1. Name: irmi
      2. Gender/Sex: girl
      3. Age: (15-19): 17
      4. Looks: pretty similar to blondi, and pop, but she's a bit shorter and less muscly. she has the same jeans and tshirt as them but she has burgundy hair and eyes. (she's their sister)
      5. Likes: same as them
      6. Dislikes: same as them
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10): 5
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10): 10
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10): 5
      10. Background Story: same as the other two
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: crimson

      yaaaay t. stirmi. are you bored of my spider people yet.

      last of all, me... ;_;

      1. Name: chiyami, chi for short
      2. Gender/Sex: no gender <w>
      3. Age: (15-19): idk i'm 12 lol
      4. Looks: choppy red hair, black eyes, crop top like red and black hoodie, and black ripped jeans.
      5. Likes: hot guys, weird things
      6. Dislikes: normal things, pop music, humans. #misanthrope
      7. Trustworthiness Scale: (1-10): 5
      8. Strength Scale: (1-10): 7
      9. Smartness Scale: (1-10): 7
      10. Background Story: got forced into this by tyler as revenge rip rip
      11. Their Favorite Season 1 Player: VERSIC <33

      I'M. SO. TIRED.
    6. TeamTyler

      TeamTyler Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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