Oh ma lord idek where to start with this one, you're my best friend on minecraft and you always will be <3 I remember when we used to hate each other on infection then we started building that map together and we became great friends :D ilysm and I hope we are friends for a long time. You're funny, smart, caring, cool, chill, awesome and great a pvp. You're the nicest person I know and you're always by my side no matter what and I hope I'm always by yours, I can tell you anything and you'll be honest with me ;) Stay strong babe <333 ilysmmmmmmmmm Haven't known you for that long, but you're rlly cool and I loved skyping you that time it was lots of fun x Lets skype again soon ;p Great friend and ya you're awesome. You're right I don't really know you sorry xD You seem nice tho, pm me if u ever wanna talk :p Don't know you so I can't really say anything, sorry. Doing more later :p
Awh you're so nice and super pretty! Seen you around forums and skyblock a few times, your island looks great keep it up! Don't know you that well so I'm not going to say anything, sorry We used to be great friends when I rejoined mineverse, but after a while we sadly grew apart :( You're a really kind person and I wish we were still as close. Don't know you that well so I'm not going to say anything, sorry We were great friends, you were so kind and genuine with me... but you disappointed me a little bit and things got weirder after a while. I really hope you come back and skype meh babe <33 ily lots Don't know you that well so I'm not going to say anything, sorry I LOVE YOU, THERES NO OTHER WORDS TO DESCRIBE IT BABEE <3 KYLE YOU MEAN SO MUCH TO ME AND I LOVE TALKING, PLAYING AND SKYPING WITH YOU ;) <3 Really nice, loved building with you on creative :P You're a great builder. Hopefully we can play more together x I can tell you love Doctor Who, I did aswell but when David Tennant left I kinda lost love for it :/ But you seem cool :P You're so sweet and cool, love playing on servers with ya you always make me laugh <3 ly Rlly nice guy, love ya voice :P We got promoted together and you've taught me a lot, cheers. Love you soo much <3 You're friendly, kind, sweet and honest I love skyping you and spending time with you, HAHA UHC WAS SO GOOD xD Love ya lots girl Well, I work with you on Dubtrack, don't know you personally but you seem cool ;) You're one of my best friends on Minecraft, yeah we can disagree on stuff sometimes and I do feel like I can hardly trust you anymore because of stuff... but overall you're gorgeous and one of the most unique amazing people I know <3 love ya soo much :P You're obsessed with Total Drama, and yeah :P I didn't really used to like you, but after getting to know you a little better I can see how nice you are and I wanna get to know you more Don't know you that well so I'm not going to say anything, sorry