You're pretty funny and cool. Hmu on club penguin. Tbh you have the coolest profile posts and seem chill. Don't really know you that well, but according to your profile; you're 105 years old. That's pretty amazing.
Tbh, I've seen you around a bit. Obsessed with scenery in your profile pic <3_<3 TBH I LOVE YOU IDK WHY
Tbh I've seen you around the forums but we haven't really talked. You seem cool. tbh hello gorgeous. You're amazing. Tbh omg my husband. Tbh Janice, you're like the most positive and inspirational person on here. Love that. Tbh you are super sweet and amazing. Love when I see you online <3
Tbh, Ben! You were one of the first people that I became friends with here. You're a cool guy, glad I met you Tbh I've seen you around a lot. You seem like a cewl person, we should talk more ;)