Awesome friend and a great mod. Love skyping with you, you're super funny and kinda weird when skyping grandpa Nana :P Can't wait to skype again. Love ya lots x Don't know you very well, pretty nice :P Should talk more. Ilysm, you were so nice to me when I decided to come back to Mineverse. I loveee your voice :D Hopefully we can start playing skyblock together again. <3
Known you for about 3 years, awesome friend, love skyping you, really funny and just all round an amazing guy. Haha our snapchats thoo xD ilysm <33
Oh ma lorddddd ilysmmm <3 you're so kind and pure and not afraid to be honest with people. LOve playing mc with you and I hope we can continue to have great times bb. <33
Lol you bought me one of my old mc accounts actually and ty for that you saved ma life :> Still a great guy though we haven't spoken in a while. ;p You sloth ;) You're an amazing friend and really funny to skype, love playin bw, infec and creative with you. Lets skype tmr ay bb