Hey, I just wanted to know If I could apply for helper, cause I dont see any helpers on Mineverse. Thank you.
You can apply for global mods and not for helper http://www.mineverse.com/threads/updated-mod-application-template-read-before-posting.1/
I've seen Helper/Trainee staff ranks on many servers but unfortunately Mineverse doesn't have that staff rank. You may apply @ http://www.mineverse.com/threads/updated-mod-application-template-read-before-posting.1/
If you are going to apply make sure to follow the format and look at accepted mod apps for help. You may need to write a fair bit particularly on the why you think you should be mod section.
Turks_murk is most likely familiar with the ranking systems enforced into Mineverse. Helper is not a current rank for applicants to apply for, Mod is. You know where to apply for mod most likely, but http://www.mineverse.com/threads/updated-mod-application-template-read-before-posting.1/ is a template to get you started, just go to Forums > Moderator Applications > Post New Thread any make it as detailed as possible. You must keep in mind these three things: Dedication, maturity and independence. A mod needs to be independent, for you cannot ask another staff for advice on everything. Research on the forums for advice. You absolutely MUST be dedicated to being a Mod. Hours of work to help the community of this server. Maturity in a mod is crucial to the community. You can't be disrespecting everyone around you, no matter the reason. You get the job done, you get it done right. First time's hard, second time's harder, 3rd's the easiest. Good luck! I hope you find a way to fulfill your wish to be a 'helper'!
Currently, as of now, the spoken rank of "Helper" hasn't been introduced, yet has been talked about. There are many suggestions on this, which have been checked out. For now, there has nothing officially been said upon this idea, but, it has been taken into account. Right now, the newly promoted mods have a trial period of 2 weeks, where they are free to do as they want, learn as much as they can from the provided mentors (Mentors are just experienced mods who have given their free-time to help the newly promoted with questions and such). At the end of the 2 weeks, they are tested and if they pass this test, then they are officially full-moderators. - As of now, I'm unsure if anything happens if they fail this test, but I'm quite sure they are just re-tested in the near future.
I never knew about the test thing... I have actually heard a fair bit of talk about having helpers instead of mods as well.