How old are you? I am currently 13 years of age , although I may be young I think I am more mature then most of those my age. Although I do like to have a joke around every once in a while. Your in-game name: LemonPopeye What timezone are you in? Australian EST. I believe being in this timezone will be beneficial to the server as there are not many staff online most of the time I play. Having this means a LOT of spammers, advertisers and hackers are going without punishment because there is no one to punish them. What country do you live in? Australia What languages do you speak? I speak English and am punctual. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) I am able to record with a built in software called Game DVR which is easy to use and upload. Why do you think you should become a mod? As previously stated, I am in a timezone where other staff members are not available and I believe having me fill this space will be beneficial towards the server. I also love playing this server (mostly factions) and love to help new people and make sure they have a great time like I have had on this server. How long can you be active on the server everyday? On weekdays I have school which means me being online for 3-4 hours. Possibly longer depending on homework etc. On weekends I will be able to play for much longer at 5-7 hours. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I am not entirely sure but I think around 3-4 months. Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) I have been temporarily banned for a day due to me being immature and getting upset with another player. I assure you that it will not happen again. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? No, this is my first time and I am applying to try something new. Thanks for viewing my application, please leave an honest comment. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Just to start off, great start Mod Application. You have dine well, but these are just some suggestion on how to improve it. Yotu are a "New Member" so become more active In-Game and on the fourms. @CypriotMerks is looking for people who are a "Active Member" Add way more information, if you want I suggest to look at the "Accepted Applications" as that will give you a better idea on how much information is needed. I have never seen you In-Game, I live in the same Country and i have the same Time-Zone so you should become alot more active there. You have only played on the server for a couple of months, you should play on the server a bit more so you get to know the server and every thing about it. If you do all those things, and maybe in a couple of months so you can get to know the server a bit better, maybe try it again. But for a first application, Great Job! Good Luck!!
@Snowman I know quite a bit about the server already as it is pretty easy to learn all the basics, this is a great server anyways.
I'd say be more active on the forums. Would also want to see more report count from you. Neat application though. Good luck.
No support sorry -Not seen you ingame before -Not seen you on the forums before -Your application is a little bit brief -You seem quite new to the forums Good luck
You really need a long application if you want to get accepted. Good luck, and no support. Edit: Remove the poll, it's not needed. It doesn't help your chances AT ALL.