So hi everyone i just got settled and I just wanna talk on the forum, So i was wondering what are all of your guys favorite Jedi or Sith characters comment please!
My favorite Sith would probably have to be Darth Bane. I read a book on him a while ago and he basically created the rule of two. (Two Sith Lords ruling the Galaxy) My favorite Jedi is Yoda.
Eh. Compared to Clone Wars, it's pretty light. Clone Wars got very dark. And the animation looks horrible. Have you seen Yoda in the new trailer? Jesus.
He's a little <edited>. He got his kicked by someone who's never even picked up a Lightsaber before, let alone seen one.
Written a whole book. Rebels is an excellent series and the only reason the graphics has changed because Disney now has rights of Star Wars and Disney was not involved with Star Wars the Clone Wars. Anyway favourite Sith would probably be Darth Nihilus- He destroyed a plant with the force due to the fact he craved force energy and survived many battles. Darth Malgus- He killed his master Darth Vindicam and destroying the Jedi Council and the Jedi Order Favourite Jedis: Obi-wan- He is strong in the ways of Mind Tricks and he survived Order 66 as with Yoda. Anakin Skywalker- He may have turned to the Dark Side but he was chosen by Qui gon jinn as his apprentice but died to Darth Maul. He was meant to balance the force and was stronger than Yoda in the force. Honourable mentions (Sith): Darth Sidious- He managed to fool the Jedi by not knowing he is the Dark Lord of the Sith, he managed to destroy the Jedi Order killing nearly every Jedi. He is possibly the father of Vader as Plagueis and him where apprentice and master. Darth Plagueis- He had a huge amount of knowledge on midi-chlorian manipulation which can create life and he could save anyone he cared about from dying which he taught everything to Sidious and then betrayed him. Darth Revan- Darth Revan was special as he could access the light and dark side of the force. Honourable Mentions (Jedi): Yoda- His knowledge of the Force and his fighting skills with a lightsaber, also one of the most senior Jedi Master. Rey- Having no training/knowledge in the ways of the Force and defeating Ben Solo aka Kylo Ren in their first battle especially when Kylo has a Master Senator Snock to whom has witnessed the fall of the Galactic Empire. There are many possibilities to whom her parents are, she shows that she used Jedi Mind Tricks to fool a First Order StormTrooper and the strongest person in the Jedi Council with the knowledge of Mid Tricks is Obi-Wan. Since Obi-Wan is no a ghost form that is not true, her mind was whipped forcing her to see something that can or cannot be true.