Hey guys! Now, the infection players might've noticed 3 new maps being added. These are Metropolis, Temple (Re-added) and the last one, Rivers. Now, I really love Rivers, despite the fact it's human-biased. But the thing that really gets on my nerve is the bridge. You see, when you spawn in the map, you find yourself trapped in the bridge and need to jump and shift until you either get out, or slip through the bottom. This is because the creator (@Halex00) added slabs to the bridge to make it look better, but this causes you to glitch in it and therefore, be trapped. This is a HUGE disadvantage to the zombies, who get shot from the roof of the house (Somehow you can get to the top) or from trees, and some OP people spawn kill and these zombies just keep on dying. The thing is, the spawnpoint was actually meant to be at the graveyard, in the corner of the map. But Cypriot/Noobcrew/Whoever accidentally put the spawnpoint on the bridge, maybe thinking it was like Dragonland. What I am suggesting is 3 choices- We either switch the spawnpoint to the graveyard, add a full block to the bridge, or just remove the slabs. Vote in the poll and also comment what you want to be done to this map. ~Reborn (Don't ask for this to be moved to suggestions, it isn't one and you're not the creator anyway)
Obvious parkour should never be allowed in a map, not only is it an isore but ruins the balance of the game. O and yeah move the spawn. .
I am fine with any of the options in the poll but when I built the map I intended for the graveyard to be the spawn
That's why I added that, but some people wouldn't like that and would rather want the bridge to be fixed
You can get on the roof by going on the second floor of the house and go in the balcony, from there you can be boosted other the fence into the roof, although as you know block glitch img would lead to a kick
And I think maybe spawn like 2 blocks above the bridge or having an actual block would be slot better, although please keep the bridge as the spawn.
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