I just want to apologize to everyone on .net for being a horrible person. Ya'll know how stressful things can be, but it was no excuse for any of my actions. I have decided to come to this server sometimes just to have a bit of fun. :p I know actions speak louder than words, but I hope me coming here doesn't turn into a big skyblock.net mess up. I am just, so sorry for my actions in the past. If I could, I'd redeem myself. <3
You mean never. :t Yes Pizza, I have, but I decided to stop trying, and move on. I want to prove I can be a better person.
It seems that you aren't proud of what you have done in the past, and I've seen you apologise a few times on Mineverse... You say you want a new start, so in all honestly, you shouldn't have to keep apologising here. Just come into the community as a new person, forget what happened in the past and enjoy your time here. :p
please dont advertise other servers here , and if you want to talk to others from another server that are not here, please do that on their server forum.
Advertising is not allowed however your allowed to advertise Skyblock.net as the server owners here, Cyp and Crew, own it lmfao.
Kid, don't worry. I'm just like you. I've been perm banned and more before, and some stuff for me is not appeal able. Just enjoy your time here m8
There's no need to be rude, Alex... As for JakelStraya, advertising other servers is okay, as long as they are owned by Noobcrew and/or CypriotMerkz. I hope this cleared things up. Regards, -----Stormy.
Once again, showing everyone your stupidity. PMS are emotional symptoms that happen before girls periods. Nice? If you're talking about being nice on Dubtrack it's because it's a good community. >toxic in toxic community >nice in good community Also, you're telling me to take my 'meds' when you're the drop out bragging about taking drugs on a minecraft forums. ha