Alright... I wanted to say sorry for making a rant thread about girl gamers and them going back to the kitchen. It was stupid and it was not how I planned. The plan was that I would say it and then say it's just a prank bro. I actually have a lot of respect for girl gamers. @Wolf64 @Grays0n @WhoeverElseOffended I didn't mean to offend anybody, and I got bored. If this make you guys any better... i had a crush once on a girl gamer. Just kidding. I wish tho. Plz dont h8 on me. :C Again, I apologize, it wasn't ment to be taken offensive, yet somehow, I was still stupid enough to not think anyone would take that offensive. Now the hate makes me want to cry in a hole. :C
It takes a bigger man to admit when they are wrong and a kind heart to actually apologize that they did wrong. So with that being said you are forgiven.
Smash a plate on the floor then say sorry to it is it fixed? No Saying sorry does not solve anything your actions from that point determines the outcome either you are gonna get hated or people will forgive you. This thread was not needed you can just personally pm them the whole Mineverse community does not need to see this attention seeking thread.
If I wanted attention, I would of made a completely different thread that had nothing to do with this. I apologized because the situation is way different from the example your showing. It is was an insult I made to multiple girls, and a insult that could of been fixed, which is the reason for this thread. I know I could of PM them, but I would rather face Mineverse with truth than be afraid to say the truth.
I even went as far to go and report my own thread, because I knew what I did was just horrible. So er yeh, if you want to hate on me then you can, but I am not a bad person.
Okay then. If they don't, they don't, I just wanted to apologize. They don't "need to care" for me to apologize.