It will never stop. And I am trying; I've reported like 6 people yesterday on survival to make sure they don't make any more mistakes like that. And people know me as Aviators/MrPvper/fweft
LOL you said pay 600k for absolutely NO REASON Scam? I think not. You were the one trying to get free money off of me.
I'm kind of hated too, or maybe a lot. People are always trying to bully me to quit the server I'm in
You are just straight up the most immature annoying person I have seen even my brother doesn't compare to you. Nobody will trust you anymore. You dug yourself a hole and gave yourself a bad reputation for scamming.
I'm sorry that this may sound rude; You have been harassing a certain few players about the way they are, and saying that you're disgusted by them for being themselves. @PewDiePie please don't blame people for not trusting you. You did this to yourself, and you can't expect people to trust you immediately just because you claim you don't scam anymore.
Never trusting or respecting Aviators. Not ganna call him pewdiepie. Number one) This can be claimed as Copyright. LOL. Number 2 i can make too many jokes outta his name.
Not necessarily. The photo was a bit of an exaggeration. What I mean is, it will take a long time to regain everyone's trust. It's not something that rebuilds as soon as you want it to.