SO MANY HACKERRRRRS please get more staff on OP PvP Ive Recorded Atleast 15 By Now On My Youtube Channel -_-
Seriously, You should be thanking him for reporting hackers instead of saying "Wow, at least 15!". I find that very rude, especially coming from a moderator. OT: We will be promoting moderators soon. For future threads like this, no need to let us know whether we need more mods or not, we will always need mods and we take our time reading moderator applications and making sure we are promoting the right people.
You're forgetting the constant begging for attention from players and the help that people for some reason or another constantly require when you're online, but k
It's a great thing you're reporting people, keep up the great work! I know you've applied and you've gotten no supports only because you're new. You need to become more active before people are going to support you. Good luck! But, to the topic. Cyp adds new staff usually frequently. No support A lot of Moderators play OpPvP
There is no need to be rude. If you honestly feel this is all we have on our plate, you've offended me. I should hope that means something. :/ We all work hard here. Staff and players who take the time to report alike. Cyp has stated we ofc will be promoting more staff. I think the biggest issue for the thread maker is time zones. You seem to be on UK time? It's currently 7:00am US PST and most of the staff are in school for another 5 hours or more. We need UK staff as we have none currently. Either way Cyp has answered any questions here. I'll leave this open for discussion as long as I see no more flaming and pointing fingers. Thanks for understanding.
I understand you work hard, I'm talking about the mods who do like 5 reports weekly and complain about doing them. Well, when I was a moderator there sure were a few of those 'guys'.
Look man I agree with you too about more mods. Like Cypriot said, he'll be promoting soon. Could be possible for someone to be promoted who plays Op!
Yo I'm on op a lot it's the game mode I play the most and I'm going to tell you this, the amount of hackers has definitely decreased since last promotion and its because the mods who do come around ban them so don't say they don't come on as often because they have a whole server to check up on!