OP FACTIONS. Help. Waniel_, WHo claims to be Lagging_Issue, Has changed there name to kyleh2232, My old name, And taken all my mcmmo. My current name is WiB_kyleh2232. Please help. All my mcmmo is reset, Due to me changing my name. Thanks, Help A.S.A.P, Kyle. @TADS4 He also has god rank, On my old ign, kyleh2232, Which is a glitch. All i want is my mcmmo back.
No Ok, So, I am unbanned, But someone has taken my old in game name, kyleh2232, And taken all my mcmmo stats. Waniel_ has changed one of his alts to kyleh2232, And now has all my stats. I know it sounds weird, Just come on opfactions. @TADS4 All i want, Is my stats back. All my stats are reset due to a name change when i was banned. He came on to show proof, He still has all my mcmmo stats. Proof is in the screenshot https://gyazo.com/c5d578a0bb8ff84ed06b27e8e610b0e9
Wait so you were banned, you changed your name and someone has stolen this name along with your mcmmo?
I thought you were @MR_B3N_123 and I was freaking out because I know how much Ben loves opfactions! Lmao