Hello!This is zTricksterr.You see me a lot in different lobbies.My Old MC Name was JdenneryRS if you guys remember me.Anyway Do you need a clan,Well you found one!But must fill out the Zapped Survey below here Survey....... Age (Must be above 12): How good are you at PvP: Do you Strafe (how good): Describe Your PvP Skills: New MC Zapped Clan Name (Example:z[Name]): Are you Active (How much): Do you use Skype for MC and others: Do you Have a Youtube Channel: Are you a Girl Or Boy: .......................................... Requirements: Skype MC Name Change ............................................ When your done with the Survey, post in this thread.Im going to say Accepted or Denied.If you get Denied then sorry.If I say Skype me then I'll put my Skype name and I will talk to you the next day and more.....If your Accepted then I must Skype you and talk about the Clan and more... Hope you Get In!!!!!
Age (Must be above 12): 15 How good are you at PvP: Good better than you Do you Strafe (how good): 6.9 Describe Your PvP Skills: Strafe and when i gap i turn around New MC Zapped Clan Name (Example:z[Name]): didnt get? Are you Active (How much): everyday Do you use Skype for MC and others: yes Do you Have a Youtube Channel: yes Are you a Girl Or Boy: boy