Hello everyone, Levis here again with another Thread. In this Thread, I Will be recruiting for my Agar.io clan called MV. Use the following template. Level: Highest score: IGN: Age (not needed): Skype (not needed): Are you using bots: Owner: iTzLevisFFS Co-Owner: MrPronounce Admin: Head-Mod: Mod: Mascot: Member: Censor, Fight4Glory
Level: 20 Highest score: Not sure, I don't feel like checking IGN: ~~~ Age: 14 Are you using bots: Nah
Level: Don't keep accounts, but could make one Highest score: Around 20,000 IGN: Whatever I feel like using Age (not needed): 15 Skype (not needed): SmaSma05 Are you using bots: When I feel like it. I got my high score without them though
Ok, if you need more information about me as a person you can always check the skyblock forums. I'm mainly on there :P
Level: 50 Highest score: 68000 IGN: Jhow Age (not needed): Skype (not needed): Are you using bots: nope
Level: Never really kept an account but I will if I get accepted. Highest score: 33k IGN: ImJustAndrew Age (not needed): 13 Skype (not needed): Will be sent over pm if accepted. Are you using bots: No