FlamePaw Hello Minverse Forums!! I recently applied for mod and about everyone said "Be more active on the forums" So what better way then to introduce myself to get started? So here I am I guess! Hi I'm FlamePaw (formerly known as Creeper_Master55) I love video games especially minecraft, I'm a big fan of Nintendo ever since the Nintendo 64 my favorite video game is 1. Lego Universe 2. Minecraft 3. Spore Support my mod application here if you want; http://www.mineverse.com/threads/flamepaws-application.69080/ Thanks for reading this sincerely and yours truly, FlamePaw ;) <--(Thats my favorite mineverse forums face)
Hello and welcome to the Mineverse forums! If you have any questions or queries, feel free to message me ;) Enjoy your stay :D I wouldn't recommend advertising your application, some argue it lowers your chances.
What, so you can TP Trap them? Don't fall for it @Jude Welcome to forums! If you have any questions feel free to ask me or any other moderator
Some cool welcomes. welcommen här! (sweden Tervettuloa foorumeille (finland Welcome to the forums! (english bienvenu! (france 歓迎 (japan..................air :D добро пожаловать (russia