You might be in a corrupted chunk. Go to and navigate to the Extras section. Buy the 'Teleport back to spawn' item. It's free - so don't worry about being charged for anything.
Purchase a inventory clear and tp to spawn @ and it should fix your problem
It seems to be a common problem. Not sure what causes it and what-not, but I can try doing it for you if you give me your IGN.
Lucky for you, I was able to successfully get you the TP back to spawn without any issues. You should be good to go now.
It's a corrupted chunk where a mordor tower was. I already reported this issue as this is becoming a thing again but no response. @Prefixed I can show you the location for you to report it. @Fish Do you remember what you were doing when you crashed?
Locking as inactive, feel free to create another thread: