What server would you want to get rid of the most and why? Me: I would get rid of parkour because I'm no good at it and the courses get very hard very quickly !!
So you'd remove a server just because you're not good at it, but others are. Great to see we have selfless people around here.
I mean you shouldn't get rid of parkour just because you can't do it.. Think about other people... think about the plugins and stuff like that... I personaly wouldn't want any gamemode to be deleted... I would want allot of the gamemodes to be upgraded...
Selfless people like Grayson. "I've been nice enough for this community, I don't need to be anymore". ;) In all honesty though, if I had to pick one it'd probably be OP-Factions, though I like playing it, it's definitely in need of maintenance and if it were removed, at least people could play factions and it would free up some funds for other servers on the network.
OPF hasn't been updated in years. It doesn't need a "few things fixed", it needs a full reset and updates that it's never going to get :P