Side note- I don't know if this has come up in the "off-topics." Please pm or comment if it has I'll have the thread locked thanks! Let's talk about League of Legends. Oh gosh back a about 1 1/2 years ago I used to play that game constantly. I stopped playing because of the toxicating players. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? So many gosh darn trollers, afks, stupid people (#YouNeedJesus), and arguing team mates. Another reason I stopped playing was because of the champions. Recently there are a lot of major OP champions that were released. Ugh it's just so frustrating to play against op champs. It's also frustrating when they rework or nerf champs who DON'T NEED IT and when they buff champs who DON'T NEED THAT AS WELL! Don't get me wrong... League is a GREAT game oml. I love it besides the players and the, sometimes, ridiculous reworks, buffs, and nerfs.
Started in Season 1. Hated it. Started in Season 3. Loved it. I'm now climbing like crazy. I hit Diamond V and was in promos for Diamond IV after one day. The game isn't as unbalanced as you make it out to be. If you really try, you will find ways of countering these "OP" picks and play around it. It's by far the most fun game I've played, due to it's diversity. Also @Zambiana is garbo
Referrals. I ref'd like 5k people to the game, being the sole person to bring the game to your town did wonders.
Oh, holy . That's still a thing nowadays though? I remember when I started, thought it was cool as LOL Edit: Rip censore