I've seen 2 sites mentioned that show the current top voters. http://minecraftservers.org/vote/19812 and http://votemv.com I would have expected to see the same names, number of votes etc. but both sites show different people on different vote counts. Which site is used to determine the monthly top voters?
I'm fairly certain you just go here. http://prntscr.com/9q07a7 There, to the right, you'll see the top voters list of the month, which resets every 1st of the month around EST timezone(NOT the 30th/31st of the month, the 1st of the next) I may be wrong however and it's another site entirely, but I assume this is what is counted. For top voters, every non donor/lower donor than MVP gets MVP rank, after that you just get a free rank upgrade for being one of 5 top voters.
The voting site.... expect I'm pretty sure I recall someone saying that those sites don't show the top 5 voters that Cypriot picks.