I Need help! on mineverse, creative server. When I come on I get crashed because of badly compressed packet - size of 3202277 is lager that protocol maximum of 2097152.. I bought a clear inventory and it didn't work... I've been crashing for about 3 days! I want to get it fixed soon because im building a RP with MeBlazze. I hope you can do it QUICKLY! -Ryan_Builder PLZ FIX THIS!!!!
it might be caused by some sort of exploit on a hacked client so yea.. u'll probably need to clear your inventory
Buy Clear inventory and Teleport to spawn. Then wait maybe 5-15 minutes and try re-logging. If that doesn't work, than get Minechat and log onto creative and manually teleport yourself back to spawn or spawn. Good luck
What version are you running? Any clients/mods? what's the error message? On your phone or tablet, get Minchat lite. It's free. Log onto mineverse > Creative and teleport yourself back to spawn.
It says this When I come on I get crashed because of badly compressed packet - size of 3202277 is lager that protocol maximum of 2097152..! AND IM ALREADY AT FREAKING SPAWN!!!!!! AND I TrIED TO BUY A CI FROM SHOP! NO IM NOT USING ANY MODS!!! AND IM ON 1.8.9!
When that message shows up, (e.g. badly compressed packets) it could mean... -Lagging can cause the message to show up -You are moving faster than the server allows -You are glitching out (if you are denied from a plot and try to go in it, it can cause the message to show up) Solutions: -Ask a staff to teleport you somewhere else -Use Minechat or any other Minecraft chatting service to teleport yourself to another location It seems the problem happens at spawn, so you need to get out of spawn. Also I have heard of these "crash items" like crash arrows that if you shoot the arrow, it causes people's clients to crash
Go onto the mineverse store and purchase the clear inventory and teleport to spawn, both are free, but get both as this could have been caused by either of these issues.