Hey! So today I was on minechat at around 11am my time and I had my god rank and everything, then I get back on minechat at 1-1:3ish and I have premium! If this person used paypal I would love to see who it was because I would like to have a word with them ;) IGN: Rodeen Previous Rank: God Downgraded To: Premium Proof of previous rank: http://imgur.com/a/H7csF I have god in this video ( It is not my perspective ) #PhotoCreds @Leoparrd Proof of downgraded rank: http://imgur.com/YypAuXF @Pile_of_Butts @Nanurz @fryzigg @CypriotMerks
If for whatever reason the proof she provided of herself as God is not enough, I can vouch that Rodeen did indeed have God and I'm sure many other people could as well. @CypriotMerks
Just wondering what happens if you do find out who degraded you. Besides that I don't understand why people do that, within a few days people usually receive their ranks back and Mineverse just gains a extra 5 bucks every time some does it @CypriotMerks
Hope you get it back soon, Rodeen Also, supporting what @Prefixed said, she was in fact 'God'. @CypriotMerks
OMG WHO would do that. I remember Rodeen as God. @CypriotMerks Full support. Bæ if I found out who did this... It won't be pretty.