I feel like everyone's leaving me. My old MV friends just say hi and leave me. We never skype anymore, only my newer friends support me fully. I had a fight with @ItzOlc a while ago about something and he still hasn't forgiven me. @YRVintage we haven't talked in a while, am I irrelavant? Sorry, I think I'm gonna quit MV for a short while. If anyone wants me to stay, feel free to comment. No one on there seems to like me anymore. Bye for now.
Okay bye. Delete my name on this thread. You goddamn wrote exactly what happened between us in a public thread?! Seriously, you could be mature enough.
Life is like the ocean some times its calm and good to swim in and do , but some times its like ing hell u just have to wait ( mods may edit it so read it fast <3)
Budder, youre a great friend in SkyWars. And you shouldn't leave mineverse just because people don't talk to you anymore. You have to understand that some people are busy,some are sad about the community and others really want to leave it. I suggest you going to other gamemodes and try to find friends there. If you ever feel lonely feel free to pm me on the forums and we will talk about any problems you have... Please don't leave.
Ah its okay dont let anyone bring you down ill play with you on mineverse all the time and ill skype you if you want just let me know! Dm me and ill give you my skype
You might want to remove his name if he asked butif you dont want to thats okay. Itd just be nice thing to do for him