dude... I don't even.. if u were the owner/co owner of a server wouldn't you do whatever tf u wanted to do in it?
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.
Co-Owner - "An individual or group that shares ownership in an asset with another individual or group. The co-owner of an asset owns a percentage, though the amount may vary according to the ownership agreement." For all we know, Noob and Cyp could have the same percent of ownership.
This thread. If you don't like the way things are done here or the decisions the owners make, you can always go. No one is forcing you to play here. Free will is a thing.
Lol I think you're confused, because you're the one acting like an 8 year old. He has, you're just butthurt and ignorant.
Honestly does it even matter Me and @Awrightgirl hack on mineplex all the time and we get reported but nope never banned
lol this thread. I've been in teamspeak with cyp and others as they hack on servers its fun to listen too. He's not hacking on his server therefore you have nothing to be pissy about. He's having fun on another server that quite frankly doesn't do crap about their hacking issue.