I was recently told that a default could own 3 plots. and before I discovered I could only rent 2. I don't know if I actually can rent 3 or not but I'f I can I would like this to be fixed for me. If not what rank could I buy to be able to have more plots? if someone could tell me that would be great!
Ok, I'm MVP and I only have 2.. If a mod could tag cyp or anyone that can help that would be great! @TADS4 @tin15cro @Nanurz
Ok, I'm just confused because multiple people have told me that I qualify to own 3 plots. And currently I can only own 2 because the whole plot plugin won't let me get any more. If someone could some how ask cyp that would be awesome!
Yah, youre supposed to be able to own 3plots... it even says in the rules : If you have more than 3plots on prison you will be banned. Atleast something like that... @Nanurz @fryzigg @Pile_of_Butts please tag cyp...
It's been no more than 3 as long as I can remember. I know when the server went to 1.8 they had to try multiple plugins. One of which only let you rent 2. The plugin they have currently doesn't have a limit, but if you have more than 3 plots you will be asked to let one go and risk a ban. The reason the rule was introduced was because of the limited number of plots available. Cyp has now regioned cells as well and I have heard no limit placed on those. I will work on getting this clarified by him so that the rules state the truth. Hopefully then players won't be as confused.
Back before I left on vacation when Cyp was online with us, he was removing the perm plots and making them rentable again. During that time he had mentioned in chat multiple times that based on donor rank, you could own more than the previous allotted amount. At that time he was just saying it and may not have implemented it yet. I think that's where the confusion is as many people saw him say it himself. The mods just need to clarify it with him and until it is set in stone, I would suggest players stick with the current posted rules unitl/if they change.
Not true Cypriot set a limit on everything. MVPs can have two and cannot rent more if they tried. It goes higher with higher ranks. I'm an MVP myself I couldnt rent more than two plots/cells.
Was on with Cyp today and got this clarified. The plots go as follows: Default - MVP: allowed 2 plots Elite: allowed 3 plots Supreme: allowed 4 plots God: allowed 5 plots Titian: allowed 6 plots The buycraft will be updated to show the current allotments soon. The plots plugin is configured this way. So if you are not the rank you will not be able to purchase more. This includes Cells. Cyp removed the misleading signs from Prison today.