First, sorry in advance if I am not posting this in the correct place! :grum: But, I have been getting an error when logging onto creative for awhile, and its really starting to bother me. I've looked online everywhere and most issues were fixed by lowering your render distance, and I did, but didn't work. I attached the error, any help?
On the mineverse store purchase the FREE teleport to spawn and FREE clear inventory. This will teleport you away from his plot and the pressure plate aswell as removing any possible potion effects you have on you. The other solution is to go onto minechat and type /p h while logged onto that as you won't get kicked Otherwise it could be a mod that you are using, try logging in with he most up to date version of vanilla minecraft
Lot's of people seem to having this problem I think the only thing you can do at them moment is wait till it's fixed
Yes, my creative works now. I'm just hoping it doesn't happen again in the future. It happens at just random times and then just goes away after almost a month.