When I teleported to a random guy my minecraft keeps crashing in creative but it did not crash on other mini games. how can I stop from crashing?? I Changed my minecraft IGN to CriticalPlaysMc. My old IGN ItzGamerYT plot was still there and I cant add people to my plot but when I do /p h, my plot is the old one I can't edit my plot... pls remove my plot Name: CriticalPlaysMc
About the crashing when u get to the player plot get on minechat then do /creative when u log on the server then do /p h or /clear. About the name change u have to change your name back then then add your new ign.
You could try to add more ram into your Minecraft to stop it from crashing. Instructions: 1. Open Minecraft launcher. 2. Click Edit Profile. 3. At the bottom of your profile click "JVM Arguments". 4. Delete every thing in the box. 5. Simply copy and paste this "-Xmx3G" I don't recommend this if you don't have more than 6GB ram in you computer, to check this on windows 7 go to the start button click computer and then it will say at the bottom of the tab that is open. You will have to talk to either a global mod or a creative mod to get them to remove your plot.
Go onto the mineverse store and purchase the free clear inventory and the free teleport to spawn and this will solve your problem for you hopefully Sent from my SM-T560 using Tapatalk
Locking as inactive. If this is still an issue create a new thread here: http://www.mineverse.com/forums/help.10/create-thread