alright, whatever the heck TBH like some dating site or some crap. I will accept whatever post you guys put on this thread. It can be about -Cats -Dogs -Parrots -Monkeys -Pickles -Bananas -How to clean your butt with soap -How to shave your dog's whiskers -Maple Syrup -Snapchatting people your nose -Anime weaboos -Mineverse's worse enemy, Noobcrew and his sidekick, CypriotMerks. @CypriotMerks IM CALLING YOU OUT BOI. SHOTS FIRED. -How hotdogs are made etc.
Oh then the cupcake and cookie's baby would have a circle flat body but a puffy butt because of the cupcake's roundness and squishiness. The baby would also have no clothes. :0
TBH threads are basically threads you'll talk about other people, for example you'll say what you think about them.
Oh so, talk about other people... Well, Mr. Tin15cro, I think you should destroy your computer with a hammer. :D I just talked about you! Am I doing it right :DDDDDDD