I receive this error message every time I try to log onto Mineverse. The problem isn't my connection, because I can log onto other servers. How do I fix this?
I've tried. I can log onto every other server. MV is the only one that shows this message. I don't know why, but it started doing this yesterday.
Idk how to help you with this, Possibly your internet because my friends and i can all log in perfectly...
I get this quite a bit, and after several tries I finally get on. click 'back to server list' and refresh your page a hella lot of times. retry. if that still doesn't work I suggest you restart the entire mine craft game. After following this method I seem to log in fine.
This isn't your fault and it isn't Mineverse's. It's Mojang's. Occasionally, their authentication services go down for maintenance or error for whatever reason and aren't working for the time being. You can check the status of the authentication servers at help.mojang.com next time this happens.
What server are you connecting to. Theres mineverse.org mineverse.net mineverse.com i think. Try a different one if one doesnt work.
Connecting to a different Mineverse IP could cause a problem, but it's unlikely. Using a different IP doesn't change the status of Mojang's login service.
Ah - I didn't notice that part. Try connecting using Direct Connect. Also, try using any of the IPs that 8top specified, as well as hellblock.net.