How Old I am: I am 10 years old My In Game Name: missminecraft05 My Timezone: southern hemisphere Were I Live: Australia ( Sydney) What languages I speak: I speak English Why I Think I Should Be a Moderator: 1. I think I should be a moderator because I all way give my best shot at everything. 2. I will help when someone hacks or greif I will put a stop to it one way or another and will never stop trying. 3. My friends and family say that I am the most mature 10 year they know and they think I will be good at my jobs and goals. 4.i will never say no when someone needs help or is being bullyed or swore at and I will put a stop to it. 5. When I play mineverse I play in care I would never hurt someone's feelings and if I did I would be very sorry and help what I did wrong. 6. I will obey the rules and do what I need to do when I need to do it and will keep doing that until i have succeeded and helped some with mineverse problems. How long have I been Playing mineverse:I have been playing mineverse for a 1 year and 2 months. How long do I play mineverse for a day: I play mineverse about 4/5 hours a day and I have breaks for 5/10 minutes long. Have I had any past experience being a moderator: no I haven't but with the help of all of you I know I will be really good at my job being a moderator. thank you to all of you that leaves a comment it helps a lot thank you to all my friend on mineverse it had made me want to be a moderator and if I am moderator I know mineverse will be a happy friendly server One more thing I really want to become a moderator because well I want to be a bit more recognise because I have got bullyed on mineverse before. I was really scared that he would ban me from creative and he did so i just want to be a bit more well know and I want to put a stop it bullying on mineverse that's why I want to be a moderator :(Because I know how it feels and I don't want it happing to other people because it really hurts your heart and I want to put a stop to it. Thank you One thing just because I am 10 I can still be a good moderator and be good at minecraft I know as much as a 16 knows about minecraft. -missminecraft05;)thanks xoxoxo
Instead of making a new thread just re-edit your old one. Either have this thread closed, or the other one.
Not alot of info here, maybe add a good bit more? Also you just made 2 apps. In the future just edit the first one.
If you say you're 15 why does your info about why you want to be say you're 10. Also, no support, add a lot more information.
Support ;)! Just add a Bit more Detail then more people Will Like it :D Keep Up the Good work Though ;)!
As your 4 details show me your mature enough for moderator I support this appliction 70%, Add more detail & fix grammar & I'll make that 100%.
Did you go to the Rouse Hill shopping centre today... You look like the girl I saw walking past me... Other then that Support!