So I asked in Survival if someone could get me a op sword and I'll pay 10k, then when I tpa to Freaking_Pvp_ he trapped me in a cobblestone box then killed me. Then after I said "yet it says in the chat that you killed me" he killed MisterFantastick. The reason why was because he was giving out "free spawners" and she tpa to him and killed her.
The staff team can't do anything about this, I suggest you find whatever evidence you can and adding it to this thread.
Unless you have evidence of any sort, the player will not receive a ban. Next time something like this happens to you, I would recommend taking lots of screenshots or to record your screen. Also, this is the proper section for reporting a player:
Your question has been answered. If you have further queries you can create a new thread here. Alternatively if you have sufficient evidence make a report here: