Hello my fellow mineverse players! I would like to see if you would approve of this application! About me page My age is eleven years old My ingame name is DoctorDistructo My timezone is the Central time zone My country is the U.S.A The languages I speak are english and some spanish I think I should become a prison guard because... I can be serious with players, or I can be fun and playful. If you follow the rules you will think of me as a fun player, on the other hand though...If you don't follow the mineverse prison rules though, I can be serious about reporting anything against the rules.I have been many assistants of other guards in the past prison server and I have had great times helping out guards with people with illegal items. I can play on the server about 2-4 hours a day or more I have been playing mineverse for about a year and a half No I do not have experience of being a moderator on a server.There must be a future to come and a server to help, and I think this server would be a nice place to help out. Thankyou for considering DoctorDistructo's prison guard application!
NO SUPPORT! You are constantly on the server hacking and getting banned. We can't have moderators that do that. No support what so ever. You also have very bad and offensive language.
Im not sure, you recently got banned from infection. Why do you think i should support this? Good luck.