Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
@Clawifier Please explain how you are not taking any damage or KB from this users hits at points in your recording.
Hello @Pile_of_Butts, I don't know, a lot of people say i take minimal KB and it's weird but I'm not a cheater just message me whenever you want if you want to SS me (screen-share). I think it's because I have kinda low ping and changed my regedit values. In the video when I wasn't taking any damage is when most hacker's aura is locked onto my pet and isn't hitting me. That's why whenever I record a hacker or fighting a hacker I turn on my pet because it messes them up. - Clawifier <3
I have banned you for your antiKB. Screensharing proves nothing because you could have easily moved the file. There are many ghost clients that are capable of running with 5zig.