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  • Advanced OpPrison Guide

    Discussion in 'Help' started by Torch, Dec 20, 2015.

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    1. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Advanced OpPrison Guide
      By TorchwoodRC

      Hello, welcome to my Advanced OpPrison Guide, I’m currently Z in OpPrison and have a lot of experience with the gamemode. This guide will cover everything from currency to rare items. Hope this helps you!

      What is OpPrison?

      OpPrison is a rank based mining game where you travel from A through the alphabet to Z then Ares and Zues. It’s Op because you use very overpowered tools and mine very rare vanilla Minecraft blocks and sell them for extremely big prices.

      OpPrison works from A to Zues, pretty simple. You can do ./ranks you can see the the money needed for each rank. The first ever Z rank was Cryptic_Luxury, I currently don't know who was first Zeus.

      The first ever person to 1 quad was zTanay (Most known name, though he has changed it a lot). X mine is most commonly referred to as the first real ‘op’ mine, at Zeus mine a God and Titan can mine up to 22.4billion on one inventory. A skilled miner at Z mine with the God or Titan bonus can mine to 1trill in 6 minutes, this is also the same for Y mine for they are very similar.


      The term duplicating is commonly known as ‘duping’. This involves exploiting a server-side glitch to double or make another copy of an item, I won’t explain how this works but for it is a serious economy breaker, if you know how it works I suggest you don’t tell anyone.

      Enchantment Tokens are an enchanting plugin that allows you with the right amount of E-tokens to at './etokens' to enchant your pickaxes with unbreaking, efficiency and explosive. They can be acquired through voting and voter parties. The current average sell price in chest shops around the server is 12.5billion to 15billion.

      To see how many Et's you have do ./et
      Withdraw or Deposite Ets go ./et withdraw and ./et deposit
      Player Heads

      Player heads are acquired by killing someone in pvp till it drops, the chance is very small and can take over 100 kills to acquire while saying that I have got a head from someone in just two kills. Most heads can be sold for around 40billion while most Z’s will offer their heads for over 5trillion, these are reserved for the exclusive head collectors that actually want to fork out such a large amount of money. There is no CypriotMerks head on the server though there is one Noobcrew head that I own.


      Plots can be acquired by. ‘/p auto’ once you’re at or past G rank. You can only get one plot though there are a few people with two plots under their name, though they can only access their second plot. There was also a plot claim glitch the let some people get multiple plots, such as @lapfuwong has around 60 accessible plots and another person who’s name I can’t recall has over 200.

      Donor Ranks and Kits

      The only worthy rank on Op-prison is Elite to God, the times two sell multiplier is extremely handy, Titan sadly for OpPrison is not worth it.

      Animals/Hostile Mobs

      For an hour-ish a long time ago Mob spawning was turned on meaning there was animals littered across the plot worlds. Many Hostile mobs de-spawned meaning their drops are quite rare, though there are still passive mobs roaming the plot worlds, some people have lured them to their plots. Horses are by far the most prised animal for they can be easy sold. There was also a recent instance of mobs spawning near the plot worlds spawn a few months ago.

      The Nether and End

      For a few days you could jump into hidden portals in certain mines that brought you to the End and Nether. Both are quite griefed and can’t be accessed any more. Nether Portals don’t work.

      Enchantment tables and Anvils

      Every now than then these work in game (currently working). Every time this happens the price of Lapis skyrockets so buy lapis whenever you see it cheap.
      How to gain Xp
      Simply craft a normal diamond pickaxe and go to any mine with ore in it. You will get the ore instead of the auto smelt. Then just go to your plot and break it, xp for days.

      Things at spawn

      A donor ranks wall like every sawn, a shop with assorted blocks at very cheap prices, A list of all the ranks, voter crates, a place where you can sell diamond and emerald blocks and where you can use your Et’s.

      Voter Keys

      These aren’t very useful in OpPrison as other in game modes for they do give out much money or good gear. To use them simply go to './warp crates'

      Auctioning and Shop Chests

      To auction an item simply hold it in your hand and do ‘./auc hand’ to cancel it you have to type ‘./auc c’ . Please note you can’t cancel an auction once it’s gone past 30seconds.

      To make a chest shot you need to write on a sign this, First line: Your IGN, Second line: The sell/buy amount, Third Line: The price either with a B or S in front of it if you want to sell it or buy it, Fourth line: The Item ID or name

      The Item ID can be found by typing ‘./iinfo’ while holding a certain item.
      This Shop is Made by DailyNews, you can sell one item to him at a time, you will recive 1billion back from him and the item is a Starter Chestplate.

      Best Mining Styles
      Mines A-W
      Simply mine the highest selling ore/block and drag it over your inventory. Then continue mining and target that block/ore. This will assure you get the most out of every sale.
      Mines X-Zeus
      When you're Z, you should have a good pick. Clearing the first then second layers means you can run back to sell without having to ./warp z or y and x. It keeps the mine clean and means you can mine very efficently. This technique is use by the very experienced players.

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      Last edited: Mar 8, 2016
    2. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
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      The Pickaxes

      One thing that many new players get confused by is the ‘old’ or ‘glitched’ pickaxes. These far out match the current pickaxe you get in a Titan kit and can be quite costly. The current game spawned pickaxes are

      Starter Pickaxe : Enchants 30
      Premium Pickaxe : Enchants 50
      Sponsor Pickaxe: Enchants 80
      VIP Pickaxe: Enchants 100
      Chaser Pickaxe: Enchants 100
      Aplha Pickaxe:Enchants 150
      MVP Pickaxe: Enchants 150
      Omega Pickaxe: Enchants 200
      Elite Pickaxe: Enchants 200
      Supreme Pickaxe: Enchants 250
      God Pickaxe: Enchants 300
      Lycaon Pickaxe: Enchants 300
      Berserker Pickaxe: Enchats 350
      Legend Pickaxe : Encants 350
      Titan Pickaxe : Enchants 500
      Tryant Pickaxe: Enchants 500
      Ultra Pickaxe: Enchants 500
      The colours are similar shades to what you'd see in game.

      ‘Old’ or ‘Glitched’ Pickaxes
      A while back (not sure exactly when) there was a plugin glitch that allowed any pick not ending with a 0 at the end of it fortune level to seriously increase the block loot (higher the last number higher the block loot). An example is an Old Alpha which has 145 enchants will mine around 4 stacks of blocks in one hit, this far out matches the game spawned Tyrant, Ultra and Titan pickaxe that 500 enchants. Note, some ‘old’ picks aren’t op they are just different the current game spawned ones.

      Op ‘Old’ Picks
      Old Alpha –
      A worthy first Pickaxe that gets four stacks per hit. There is an abundance of these in the game for they was a lot of them before the plugin glitch.You shouldn’t have too much trouble finding a seller compared to other rare pickaxes.
      Old Lycaon – This is a super ‘duped’ pickaxe that has 275 Enchants. They hit around 7 stacks. There is also a lot of these in the game so picking one up shouldn’t be too hard.
      501 – Most commonly called a 501 the ‘glitched’ Titan Pickaxes is the start of the rare and extremely op pickaxes to own. These hit around 9 stacks and are what any respectable Z should own (or better). These are the most common of the extremely op pickaxes for they were ‘duped’ by a Z player and distributed.

      502 – Just like the 502 this commonly called by its fortune enchant level. This is actually a Tyrant Pickaxe and does just a little bit better than the 502. Though it has also been duped it’s still quite rare.
      505 – The 505 Ultra is a quite unknown pickaxe for the fact there is only two know ones in the whole game. I personally own one of these two which I have since renamed, I don’t know the owner of the current second one for it has changed hand quite abit.

      506 – Currently I believe this is another ‘glitched‘ Titan Pickaxe in the hand off Ckamps2020 who hasn’t been active for a long time.

      2375 Chaser – By far the most sort after pickaxe in the game, this pickaxe is extremely op and Is currently owned by Jie, he recently accidently auctioned it and had to pay the buyer 40trillion just to get it back. The Pick has since been renamed.
      509 and Beyond

      There are many signings or claims of Pickaxes past 506 excluding the 2375 Chaser. If you have any evidence of these please comment it below and I will update accordingly.

      Non Op ‘old’ Pickaxes

      Old Omega – There aren’t many of these in the game, but they have 150 enchants unlike the game spawned Omega which has 200 enchants.
      Old Berserker – Right now there are three types of Berserker Pickaxes, the Game spawned 350 enchants one, the ‘glicthed’ 300 enchants one and another one that I can’t recall but @Gizzbotts has one, that I’m sure he can filling it’s details.
      750 Tyrant – This a extremely rare pickaxe that has 750 enchants, not sure how they came about but if you ever see one in auction be sure bid.
      Un-bolded Pickaxes

      Right now of my knowledge there is only one Un-bolded pickaxe in the game, this simply means there was a text glitch on one or two pickaxes the changed the normal ‘Bolded’ text into un-bolded text.

      Un-bolded Omega – This used to be a very rare Pickaxe until it was ‘duped’ beyond return. I’m sure there is about a double chest of these laying around in the game.
      Other tools and weapons

      Shovels – I’d say there is good 1000 enchanted shovels in the game. I’m also certain they will all be diamond.

      Axes – A lot rarer than shovels though, I’d say about 50 in game. Again they are most likely all diamond.

      Hoes – So far the only Enchant hoe I know of is owned by me.

      Bows – These are acquired by fishing and there is quite a lot in game, the trick is getting an infinity one because there isn’t many arrows in the game.

      Fishing Rods – Acquired by the endless cycle of fishing more out, these where originally made from someone killing a spider.

      ‘Old’ Swords

      Much like the non op ‘old’ pickaxes these offer no advantage and are actually worse than their respective current kits.

      Old God Sword – The Old God sword has been duped 100s of times and is the most common of the know ‘Old’ Swords
      Old Supreme Sword – The only know ‘Old’ Supreme Sword is owned by me.
      Old Elite Sword – I Believe @GizzBots owns the only few ‘Old’ Elite Sword’s.

      Rare Armour

      Leather Armour: Leather is obtainable through fishing though sets of armour are still worth a lot. They are excessively ‘duped’.

      Chain Armour: By far the most lucrative armour, number of full sets is under 5 and even after 7 months I can’t find boots to complete my set. Extreme Valuable, I have been offered 20trillion for single pieces.

      Gold Enchanted: Seeing as you can't enchant anymore, there are only a few sets of gold enchanted armour in the game. Not sure it value but it would be quite high.

      Rare Items

      Mob Drops
      Passive mob drops are much more common than hostile mob drops. Both heads from any mob is very rare. Due to an untold area of OpPrison spawning mobs some Hostile Mob drops aren’t very rare at all.

      Common Mob drops are: Feathers, Chicken, Raw Steak, Porkchop, Mutton, Rabbit hide and Rabbit Meat.

      Not very rare mob drops: Slime, Bones, Arrows, String, Spider eyes and Gunpowder

      Also included in this section of rare items is Nether Stars and CypriotMerks dropped around 100 in a drop party.

      Very Rare Mob Drops: Ghast Tears (6 In the game) Heal Pots (2 In the game) Music discs, Normal Magma creams, Rabbits foot (5 In Game) and Ender pearls.

      Mob Heads: Zombie heads, Creeper heads, Spider heads, Slime heads, Skeleton heads are all common mob heads. While witch heads, MHF_Chest head (6 in game) to the Cow head (1 in game) are much rarer.

      Note: Zombie Pigman heads have been excessively duped there is now multiple stacks of them in the game.

      Fishing Rare’s

      The least ‘rare’ rares is the Fishing rares, most items required through fishing are worthless while bows, leather and fishing rods can all be sold for quite high prices.


      Snow: Snow was first found by me on a plot near mine just after the world guard was down triggering weather.

      Sandstone: A griefer who shall remain unnamed managed to get into the ./warp plots spawn and acquired Sandstone. There is now a couple of stacks around the server.

      Hardened Clay: Not sure how it came about but who it came from seems a bit shady, it’s still quite rare so very valuable.

      Podzol: Like Hardened Clay, I’m not sure of podzuls origin.

      Fire Charges and Fireworks: Both take rare items to create so they has quite a bit of value

      Flint and Steel: Rawrimaeatchu reported a glitch to Noobcrew while he was online on OpPrison and asked for one flint in return. He then crafted the servers first Flint and Steal. Upon his ban he passed to the item to SteamXSnakes to give to me when I got online, I have since received no Flint and Steal.

      Cactus: Acquired from a now patched glitch in a mine that contained Cactus. It can now be infinitely made through the discovery of sand. The only known auto farm of cactus is on the one sand @Censor owns.

      Sand: Aquired when the world guard was down, this is in the possession of only two people, @Censor and @GizzBots. Gizzbots has 29 and only offers rankup grades and IRL money for his sand, Cersor’s is not for sale.

      Lapis: When villager’s spawned people traded with them for lapis, now it’s extremely ‘duped’ though is still worth a lot.

      Glitched Dirt: Not sure how this came about but it’s a cool block to have in anyone’s collection.
      Enchantment Bottles: Quite rare, finding a seller would be quite hard.

      Thankyou for reading, if you have any questions about OpPrison feel free to ask! If you think I've misted out on anthing just comment below and I will ajust acordingly.
      • Like Like x 3
      Last edited: Apr 27, 2016
    3. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Place Holder.
    4. GizzBots

      GizzBots Well-Known Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      There's more then two chest heads lmao. I have 4 I think, and I have 29 sand.

      He used duped etokens to make this. I used to be good friends with him.
    5. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Edited, thankyou.
    6. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      Good job :)
    7. Jie

      Jie Active Member

      Jan 22, 2015
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      *Bought e-tokens that may or may not have been duped still paid for them tho

      And only the fortune was obtained through questionable e tokens
      the 1000 unbreaking and 800 eff was bought after the e-token thing.
      Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
    8. GizzBots

      GizzBots Well-Known Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      :p same thing bae
    9. Exstatisfy

      Exstatisfy Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2015
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      This actually helped me a lot! I haven't started officially playing OP Prison yet, as at first I was very confused and I'm pretty sure I gave up. But for awhile I've been thinking about taking up the game! So this helped quite a bit :D
      • Like Like x 1
    10. Jie

      Jie Active Member

      Jan 22, 2015
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      I have 3 Ghast tears
      1 Rabbits foot
      1 Healing Pot

      You forgot Ender eyes and chests

      If you want item pictures use my old post on prices

      Certain player heads hold a high value also (Noobcrews head) and such.

      Also glitched picks are not exactly a glitch its how the math is calculated where if a pick does not end in 0 it becomes 00 so 500 would be 500 where as 501 would be 5000
      The formula is as follows: 1+ x/10 if x is greater or equal to 10, if x is not divisible by 10, replace last digit with "00" where "x" is the fortune enchantment level on the pickaxe.

      You might be able to pull some useful info from here

      Picks : *515 is one of a kind as far as i know and has never been duped and a player who no longer plays owns it.

      My 505 picked it up for 15t
      • Like Like x 1
      Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
    11. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thanks for posting this! Very informative.
      • Like Like x 2
    12. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
      Likes Received:
      U broke my brain
    13. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Undated with Mining Styles.
    14. TADS

      TADS Guest

      There are a few minor spelling mistakes here and there (you're and your) but other than that, lovely guide! :)
    15. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      PM where and edit it.
      • Like Like x 1
    16. rpcraig

      rpcraig Experienced Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      Very well made, I enjoyed reading it and learned a little more about OP Prison. Good job Torch! Also I'm one of the owners of the level 150 enchant Omega's and a Slime Head
    17. Accepted

      Accepted Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      Ver nice work @TorchwoodRC . For the auctioning, change it to " you cant cancel after the half way mark.

      I had a 150 omega but someone stole it. :(

      Edit: OMG I just noticed how many rare items I sold out for cheap. :(

      Edit2: Got an enchanted bottle from a E rank
      Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
    18. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Thank you for this.
      • Like Like x 1
    19. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Much love <3
    20. rpcraig

      rpcraig Experienced Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      I own one of the old elite swords, that I recently got from Gizzbots. If you want a picture of it for the section on it the old elite sword, I would be more than willing to give it to you. @TorchwoodRC :) Also I noticed that "Alpha" is miss spelled in the list of pickaxes you can currently get.
      • Like Like x 1
      Last edited: Dec 30, 2015
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