UGHP(GFBVU(D I am in a complete mess of destruction. HEE{GJP)IGNBI)OUNG ERGHHH I have been playing MV for nearly 4 years, and someone told me I barely play. *dies* I don't use the forums that much because I don't feel the need, stop telling me that I'm inactive. BRUH
Do you know what inbred means? Because I can assure you I'm not. Oh, and it's called an error. I meant nearly 3 years. And I've been playing MC for nearly 4 years.
Pretty sure I know what an 'inbred' is. Everyone says it's an error when they get corrected, so bad lmao .
You have no proof I'm an inbred, and even if I was, it wouldn't come into you saying that, an inbred is no insult to me. Also, 3 and 4 are right next to each other on my keyboard, an easy mistake for me because I don't look at my keyboard when I type. I don't look it over if it's a simple post like this.