I changed my MC username and my plot broke And I cant fix it I need help Buy somone who can Help I asked a mod THey said Cant help you there so Some one who can please help me. my old username was Fake_Fitz and its now 4zup
Change your name back as soon as you're able to. Next time, make sure you unclaim your plot THEN change your name. As soon as your name is changed, you'll reclaim your plot. Hope this helped.
i know noobcrew fixed it with a command of somsort i dont know it or possibly have the perms too do such command
Noobcrew is the owner. He can do anything. The only problem is that he is not often on, and he has his priorities.
Reply button isn't there for looks. Anyways, email [email protected] with: The exact problem: Old in-game name: New in-game name: It may take a while to get a response, so bump it every 5 days. Good luck!