How old are you? I am 13 years of age. The reason my profile says other wise was for protective reasons from my parents. Your in-game name: My ingame name is MC_supa_star, and my alt is MC_Broz5000. What timezone are you in? I am in Chicago Central time. What country do you live in? I live in the United States of America( USA for short). What languages do you speak? Fluent English, and learning Spanish, French, and Hebrew! Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) I have recently got this program from AMD that automatically records game play. I can share these videos if there are hackers, scammers, or an act of misconduct. In the recordings, you will see my perspective on the game, so in the recordings you can see how I play the game, and if i'm playing by the rules(which i am). I can also share the minecraft chat logs that the minecraft launcher happily provides. Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should become a mod because I have experience with server making, and how to staff a server. I have been playing on this server roughly 2 years now, and I have witnessed many players not following some of the rules, and many staff ignoring some players in need of help. I have moderated a number of different servers, I do love the Mineverse community and I will just love to help the newcomers and the people in need. How long can you be active on the server everyday? Here is my computer schedule: Sunday: 2-4 Hours, but occasionally I have other duties to do. Monday: 1-2 Hours. This is because I have homework to do Tuesday: 1 Hour(s) because I have School work, and Baseball(only in spring). Wednesday: 2-4 Hours. I have more time than other weekdays because I usually get less homework these days Thursday: 1-2 Hours, but sometimes none for Basketball practice. Friday: 3-6 Hours: I put my homework off until Sunday :D Saturday: 2-8 Hours, sometimes all day, but very rarely. How long have you been playing Mineverse? The first day I was introduced to Mineverse was about 2 years ago on, and it was the top three, and this is when I just got minecraft for my B-Day. Right when I joined, the lobby overwhelmed me in how amazing it looked, and how organized it was. This experience brought me into trying to make a server, but sadly my parents said no, but i made a test server, and the test server let me teach myself on how the plugins, commands, etc. worked. Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) No, I have never been Temp-Banned, or Banned ever on Mineverse, but I would like to admit that on my other applications, I have not been the most trustworthy, but now I have matured more, but I can’t change the day of birth sadly :(. On the forums, I am not that active, but I will work on spending time on it too! Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes! I have past experience as being T-Mod on a server, and then I ranked up to mod, then all the way to Co-Owner, and I didn't even know the person in real life. I know that being a staff position is very trustworthy, and I think I can take on this valuable position. I know most of the essential commands for the Moderators like /kick, /ban, /tempban, and /mute, and I will not abuse these commands, but only use them if I really need to for the players who hack, scam, advertise, blackmail, or use of profanity. Hobbies: Some of my hobbies in real life are playing Basketball, Baseball, Computer, and Boy Scouts. In Boy Scouts we learn to help one another, and I am all for that. Mineverse is my favorite server then hypixel. About 2 years ago my friend came over, and downloaded the minecraft Xbox 360 version on my Xbox. I thought it was very boring, and there was no point to it. But then, he changed my mind after showing me that there is endless possibilities to do in minecraft, and when you add mods there are even more. In Boy Scouts, there is the scout law: A scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. I follow all these in my everyday life, and on the computer. Trustworthy: I am very trustworthy to my parents, friends, and all the people and staff on the server. I can be trusted with many different roles, and starting at the bottom is the only way up to the top. Loyal: I am very Loyal to my family, friends, and even others that I don't know, but I would like to meet. Helpful: I am very helpful to people on the server, and I will help them until they get the concept. Friendly: I am very friendly, so I won't bite:p. People can message me all they want, long as it is not spam, or invalid question. Courteous : Courteous means that a person is polite, or considerate which I am. I have manners when I am eating with family, hanging out with my friends, or meeting new people. Kind: I am very kind towards others and I will not cyber bully people. Cyber bullying can get very much out of hand, and i witnessed it with two other players in a Skype chat. I tried to stop it, but then it got out of hand. I did my best, but on minecraft, if there is an act of Cyber bullying, I can take a stronger action. Obedient: I am obedient because I will follow rules of the hierarchy. I follow instructions very carefully, and will do them fast as I can, but sometimes I can get backed up in favors. Cheerful: I am very happy when I play on minecraft, and especially Mineverse it will calm me down, and bring my stress from school away. Thrifty: I am very economical. You could call me a tree hugger, but my dream is for the world to have new innovations, and inventions that keep our world the way it is with some improvements. I am a money saver. I saved 1 years worth of allowance just to buy god on this server. Brave: I am brave because I can stick up for people in situations that we both are very uncomfortable. Clean: I am clean person by keeping my inappropriateness to its minimum. Reverent: I am very reverent because I am proud of myself for getting all my achievements in life. Thank you dearly for taking your personal time to read my staff application! Please vote at your will.
How old are you? I am 13 Your in-game name: MC_supa_star What timezone are you in? I am in Chicago Central time What country do you live in? United States What languages do you speak? English, and learning Spanish, French, and Hebrew Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) My PC has very good specs, enough to run most games 4k. I have recently got this program from AMD that automatically records game play( the setting can be turned off). I can share these videos if there are hackers, scammers, or an act of misconduct. In the recordings, you will see my perspective on the game, so in the recordings you can see how i play the game, and if i'm playing by the rules(which i am). Why do you think you should become a mod? I think i should become a mod because I have experience with server making, and how to staff a server. I have been playing on this server roughly 2 years now, and i have experienced many people not following some of the rules. How long can you be active on the server everyday? I am on the server almost everyday, and on weekends i am on up to 5 hours, and on weekdays only 2 hours. How long have you been playing Mineverse? Roughly 2 years. Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) No, I have never been Temp-Banned, or Banned ever on Mineverse. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes! I have past experience as being T-Mod on a server, then i ranked up to mod, then all the way to Co-Owner, and i didn't even know the person IRL. I know that being a staff position is very trustworthy, and i think i can handle it. Thank You for reading my Staff Application! ^Your application in size 4. Add some more information and detail, and become more active in-game/on forums.
I am not good at giving good details :(. Hav eany suggestions so i can help you vote for the right details?
Add a list of traits you have. I suggest you look at some accepted applications and see what they're like. Good luck.
Sorry no support. I believe you have great potential, but yo should go into more detail with your app. Plus work on your activity, good luck.
Protection from or for? But my real question is: why do your parents want to know? Tautology. You have gained knowledge or skill of players not following…rules. Use 'witnessed.' Did you report them using your recordings? Tautology, again. Oh. Can you describe that lobby, please? Ooh. . You said that your parents dictated your personal preferences -- are you lying, or adapting by lying? You said you were staff on multiple servers. Do not exaggerate. Not needed. Minecraft is not Boy Scouts. Your parents are first on the list? Oooh. …Ooooh. Sure, but Minecraft is not family dinner time. Tautology, again. That makes you the opposite of a tree-hugger. ;) Support.
Dont really like people that brag about being rich not very respectful to those of us with lesser benefits.
Good detail but change up your app. Things to work on -------- *Please remove the bright colors if not all as it hurts my eyes. * Get more Mature *Give questions a bigger font or a color like red so they stand out. *Don't lie in your app. You were temp banned on KitPvP for Staff Impersonation for 3 days by Nanurz