/Trust for SkyBlockWhat is /trust? /Trust is a command that allows you to let players build on your island, without them having to lose their current one. Of course, if this were added, /coop would have to be implemented as well. Why would it be useful? If you are working on a project on your island, and a friend asks for help on theirs, but you don't want to give up your main island, they can simply /trust you so that you can help them. Also, if a player is offline, if they've trusted you, you can work on their island for them and yeah yeah stuff. .Net and .Org have it, so why don't we? ;D
Support! I thought this was implemented till' yesterday when I found out, I was about to make a thread bout this but u did it. <33
I don't already know why this isn't allowed, it comes with the plugin, asides from that full support .