Hey guys, Alma here. So a lot of the threads I've been seeing about staff appreciation don't usually include the builders, so for this thread I'm going to just talk about the builders and amount of work they do for us. People on Mineverse can't see the amount of time and effort the builders put into making spawns, maps and other amazing things for us. Players might think they slack around and do nothing for the server but believe me they do, I don't know why no one has appreciated them yet. @Rythen You're an amazing head-builder, the amount of effort you put into monitoring, building and promoting new builders is amazing. You're one of my closest friends on Mineverse and I wish you luck for whatever your build projects are right now. <3 @Imperial_Mint I have had to honor to meet you in-game once, and from what I've seen you're very nice and your builds on creative are just amazing. Keep it up and I hope to see you soon! @Dewster Ahh another amazing builder. I've seen you in-game a couple of times and you seem nice, I'm yet to have a convo with you but so far I'm impressed with your work. @Nimjam I've actually never seen or met you before, I'm sure you're amazing just like the other builders though! <3 These 4 amazing people make up our build team, I can't wait to see some of their projects in the future because I've seen their ability and their work on creative. It's just amazing how much work they out into Mineverse, they do as much as any moderator would. keep it up! <33 - Alma xox
Indeed, it's time the Build Team got some recognition for their hard work. I've had the honour of being Imperial_Mint's friend in Survival since last year and I've seen his builds and they are just pieces of art. To other members of the Build Team, although I'm not close friends with all of you guys, I know that it's just amazing to just see the awesome builds up close. <3
the Build Team do more work then almost anyone else Rythen Nimjam Dew and Imp, you guys work harder then some of our Mods! <33
The builders are really under appreciated. Over 10 people have said how their builds are terrible and such, and that we need an official team.
I don't get why people complain of the Build Team's builds when they can't even build something as formidable as what they do...
I'll be writing up my own appreciation paragraphs when I get back home after work. Keep an eye out guys ;)