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  • [USA] [Global] rescue_BUTTER's Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by rescue_BUTTER, Nov 30, 2015.

    1. rescue_BUTTER

      rescue_BUTTER Active Member

      Nov 3, 2014
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      How old are you?

      I am 14 years of age. But, I do consider myself more of a 15 year old with my maturity. But, every now and then everyone has their slips....This coming year will be my 15th year, if that counts :P

      Your in-game name:

      My in-game name is rescue_BUTTER. Yes, it is a bad name, but I have to keep it for other servers with the UUID thing. Summary: Used to like Skydoesmc, don't anymore. Can't change it b/c of ^^^^.

      What timezone are you in?

      My timezone is Eastern Standard Time (EST).

      What country do you live in?

      I currently reside in the United States of America.

      What languages do you speak?

      I speak English mostly. But, I happen to be on my 9th year of spanish, but can't speak it fluently yet. Then there is always google translate at my side.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)

      I do indeed have the means of capturing evidence. Currently, I have a pretty bad laptop, so I have to hope the video is good enough (Most times it is rather than not). But, I am planning on getting a new pc VERY soon. So this shouldn't be a problem much longer.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      Prepare for a really long, and boring paragraph...... -=+=-

      I have many traits and characteristics that are useful in being any part of a server. Whether it be part of the staff team or just a being a normal member. I can also bring lots of advantages and qualities to the table. I haven't looked at a lot of the recent applications, but I am pretty sure that a majority of them are not able to record. And they will say "I am not able to record, but I do not believe it is required because I have lots of experience to know what hackers look like" Yea, sure.. That can sometimes work, but not always. I can record evidence of rule breakers, which will make cleaning the server and ridding perpetrators will be easier and done more efficiently. A lot of people apply for mod for the sheer fun of it, and the adrenaline of being a player who can ban people and fly around looking cool. And don't get me wrong, that is definitely a reason for me as well. But it isn't the whole package. Most people believe that a Moderators job is to ban hackers and rule breakers....Well, they are partially right. But, what some people don't know is that Moderators actually moderate the players, the forums and the chat. I'm not sure if Mod's have /mute or not but I can definitely help with that considering there are no Helper's on here either. I am good at stopping rude and unnecessary conversations/arguments. I do decently well under pressure. I perform quickly and efficiently on the forums and in-game. I have lots of experience with hackers and with players. Having a lot of little cousins can sometimes help with dealing with problems. I always have an eye on chat, whether I need to or don't, whether it's my job or not. I always try to help others out. I like to answer questions because it makes me feel good inside knowing that I just made someone's day, or made the community a better place. Back to the whole banning hackers thing.....I never understood what hacks were. When I was a moderator for the first time, I was so confused...So I came up with an idea that not many people do. I downloaded several (2-3) hacked clients and tested them out. I did it with my friends and my brother. This way, I could see what each hack did and what it looked like up close and personal. Of course, I wiped my computer clean and made sure that there was no trace of any funny business. But, this has definitely helped me over the years, become a better reporter (for staff), made me a better player and a better person overall. I am a hard working and smart individual. As I have said previously, I perform well under pressure. I also have some little thing I like to call side jobs. I am decent with redstone, I can build and I am familiar with plugins. So, I can be called on by other members of staff in case anything arises. I am a friendly guy. A lot of staff members (not on this server) that I have seen typically don't talk to players. They just get on, ban some people, look at chat, and talk to donators. They will ignore the members. I am not that kind of person. I read everything, some things I can never unread. But, I make sure that everyone has a voice, and that everyone is heard. I like to have a good laugh from time to time, but I can be strict when the time comes. Anyways, this is getting a bit long, so i'll wrap this up so you can rip your eyes out. Basically, I am a well-rounded guy. I know what I am doing, and when I am supposed to do it. I work cleanly and efficiently, I help others and I like to be friendly.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?

      I’ll give you a list:

      -Monday: 2-3+ hours

      -Tuesday: 1-2+ hours

      -Wednesday: 2-3+ hours

      -Thursday: 1-2+ hours

      -Friday: 3-4+ hours

      -Saturday: 3-4+ hours

      -Sunday: 4-5+ hours

      -Holidays: Depends on how my day is FORCED to be set up by my parents

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      Alright, I always hate these questions. Umm, I would say about 2-3 years now. I go on and off the server, contemplating school work, console gaming, etc. But, I should be back for good now because I enjoy minecraft a lot more now. I may be wrong with this assumption, but I don't know if there is any way of telling when I did start playing.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)

      I have never been banned in the past both on the forums and in-game and hope to keep this streak going.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      Indeed, I do have former experience being a staff member. I have been pretty much every rank in the staff list. I have been staff on smaller servers...But you have to start somewhere. It has given me good experience. I'll list the servers and ranks I have been staff on:

      (Just the basic ranks)
      Helper: 2 HolyCraft (Reset and no one joined back) - Small PvP server (Don't remember the name, or if there was one)

      Mod: 2 ApolloPvP (Before reset, then a new owner came) - Another server I can't remember (Crappy host - Closed down)

      Admin: 1 Verruckt Network (Then I moved to owner - No longer up) -

      Co & Owner: 2 - Brothers server (No longer up) - Verruckt Network (No longer up)

      *NOTE*: I do realize that I am not active on the forums. But, that's what it looks like. I never really commented on anything because I never felt the need too. I just normally scroll through everything. Just because I don't reply, doesn't mean I haven't seen it!

    2. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Nice application, but I would like to see you more active in-game.
    3. Robisgreat10

      Robisgreat10 Well-Known Member

      Oct 6, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Neutral. good luck
    4. Malc

      Malc The Pro Moderator Premium

      Oct 10, 2014
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      • I have never seen you in-game, and our time zones are only two hours off. Which gamemode(s) do you usually spend most of your time on?
      • Your application is a bit crowded. Maybe spread things out, and organize certain points in their own categories (completely up to you).
      Good luck, though.
    5. rescue_BUTTER

      rescue_BUTTER Active Member

      Nov 3, 2014
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      Thanks to all of you guys for the constructive/supportive reply's! I really do appreciate them. It may seem like I am not typically active on some servers but that is because: 1) When you aren't a donor rank, you aren't really noticed by too many others... 2) I typically like to play the pvp gamemode servers. I am very competitive. But, I will still try to be extremely active! Once again, thanks.
    6. YRVintage

      YRVintage Guest

      once i see you ingame, support
    7. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
      Likes Received:
      No Support, sorry.
    8. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      I have never seen you in-game
      Please be more active
      Good Luck.

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