Hi. I Upgraded to Elite because it was Black Friday. I got elite and everything was fine. Then I decided to upgrade my friend to sponsor. I put in his name (Wergal_the_great) and bought the rank. But just as I pressed pay I noticed that the name hadn't changed. So I downgraded from elite to sponsor by accident!!! Plz someone help me Proof Below...
that happend to me i was god then premium some did it i msged cyp while he was on the furmos i was mailing them for 4 weeks and no resopnd i msged cyp and he fixed it https://gyazo.com/fcf0d4de2fca6a6b14ed1fc36bca2fb4
CypriotMerks is very busy so it can take some time to respond, but you could also try what Thnyan559 did.
Email support@mineverse.com once a week with your ign, proof of having the rank, and a detailed description of your current issue. If they take too long to respond, message Cypriot privately on forums.
just send an email with the following to support@mineverse.com if you dont get a response within 2 days resend the email but be patient His name The rank he is missing On what servers you are missing the rank/commands/prefix Evidence he actually have this rank (screenshot) Btw tagging @CypriotMerks doesnt work as he has notifications turned off