Hi. Back when I was a default rank, I bought the rank [Commander] on kitPVP. I am now a god and still have the [Commander] prefix by my name. I was wondering, is there any possible way this could be changed so I have the [God] prefix? Thanks!
I recommend that you email [email protected] with all the proof that you are god and stuff like that ect. Even though there's not a title, you should still have the rank on other servers and what comes with the rank on kit-pvp.
Emailing [email protected] will not help you, as there is nothing that can really be done except have the Commander rank removed, given a moderator will take the time to do that for you. You'd have to repurchase it if you wanted to use it again. I honestly think that both prefixes should be displayed along side each other, as what is done with almost every other game mode.
Agreed, yeah there's nothing you can do but I normal do [&2Titan&f]&f <Text> just for fun rlly but I don't think it's possible to fix it up.