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  • #ResetPrison2015

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by djryan, Nov 16, 2015.


    Reset prison?

    Poll closed Nov 21, 2015.
    1. Yes.

      27 vote(s)
    2. No.

      4 vote(s)
    3. I don't want to lose my progress so yes but have a server 2

      10 vote(s)
    Multiple votes are allowed.
    1. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Prison is by far my favorite server by now, as I spend so much time on it. But it has a major problem, it's unfair to new players, and is heavily glitches and broken for the old.

      New players come to the server to try it out daily, but most quit within the first five minutes or so, because of several reasons, which I will go into detail in paragraph form.

      All I ask is before you voice your opinion on the matters and my proposed solutions, please read the whole thread, as what is being written comes from someone who has spent hours on this prison. I have like many others lost some interest in the server because it's the same old same old.
      Issue #1: It is too laggy for most to play.
      I'll tell you now, when I first tried to play it, I couldn't because it the main prison is so laggy due to red stone contraptions and the command blocks. Like most people, I had a potato laptop when I first joined, and the lag was simply unbearable. For new players who don't have the best specs in the world, they will just quit before they even start to try, and it gives a bad impression on the server.

      Issue #2: The mines are hard to access.
      Its hard for the starters to get to the d mines, mainly because most pvp occurs there. It's really unfair for someone who just started and has nowhere to store items to be instantly shot down and have their loot be stolen or cleared. The problem is, there is no way it can be fixed, and guards hardly care about this. If I were a new player I would just quit because there was no way to progress if every time I wanted to mine I would risk almost certain death to someone who doesn't need nor care about what I had, and just wanted to kill me for sport. Honestly why can't there be a warp to the mines? It's so easy to setup and will help so many players.

      Issue #3: It is probably the most p2w server on Mineverse.,
      I have been against the kits and permissions that were hastily added ever since Titan became a thing. Titans are soo overpowered, they get a whole kit of p4 which they can farm everyday, they have the ridiculous healing permission which allows them to heal others on a mainly pvp server, which isn't allowed anywhere else for some reason, and they are allowed overpowered items.

      When the Titan kit was released for example, a standard set of protection 4 was around 30-40k. Now it will be hard to sell a set to someone for 1k.

      I was against these changes since day one. Now the whole economy of tools and armor is non existant, ruining a lot of the fun and point of having rare items.

      Issue #4: The factions concept is broken totally.
      Factions and mcmmo is so broken and easy to glitch now. To level up, all you must do is afk grind, it's not even that hard as mods nearly never check. Raiding other bases is pretty much impossible, since tnt and ceggs are now broken totally and don't work on enemy land. Even if you somehow make it into a base, you still can't raid the loot as chestsigns block your progress like a brick wall, as you cannot break into a chestshop protected chest. And mods can't even remove these signs from the chest unless you can over claim the land, which is almost impossible as you can just have alts sit in the fac.

      The party system for mcmmo is also broken because of the failed party plugin that was added to all the server, so mcmmo sharing is non existant anymore.

      With exploiting these glitches, players can have 1000+ axes, swords and acro which boost their damage by 10 fold, all for doing nothing at all. People who enjoy being jerks have the option to afk grind their unarmed to 33%, and 100% iron grip, which allows them to take everyone else's items while having theirs safe.

      Issue #5: Plots are broken.
      Plots, which have been a major part of the economy, are now a total loss.

      When the server plot system broke on the 1.8 upgrade, a new and premature system of plot signs was conceived. This new system alone has a ton of problems, but there is a larger problem, not even half the plots converted to this new system.

      Most plots now lay signless or broken with their old signs, allowing their owners to continue to live off them and having to pay nothing. This is a huge dissapointment as we were promised all the plots would be fixed within the week for the new system. This, in essence, destroyed the economy completely. To today, it is still not fixed, and now I am afraid there is no going back on this.

      Issue #6: Vote parties and diamond swords.
      In vote parties, you can get items such as diamond swords which are contraband. This has to be the most idiotic idea I have ever heard of. If a new player comes on and uses a diamond sword he got from the vote party, they will be jailed. How can you enforce rules if you give players contraband? It doesn't make sense. And most mods don't care to ask or inform new players anymore like they used to, so when they get un jailed the new players just go back to using them. I feel vote parties ruined the game in this sense.

      Issue #7: No one cares.
      These issues and more have been brought up time and time again, but nothing has ever happened. Other servers are attended to but for some reason the administrators don't seem to care about prison anymore. If the same issues plagued a server like kitpvp, it would be fixed in no time.

      It's a trend I have seen happening across the servers, not just prison. So many servers are broken after nearly 2 years of no updates or revamps or resets. Other major servers reset at least once or twice a year.

      So many people make bug reports and glitch report, and almost all of them are ignored. Heck, it took duping 2 weeks to be fixed when it started. There seriously needs to be a change in how glitches and bugs are handled.

      What I think the solution should be is to reset/revamp the server. And when you guys are doing this, take in imput from the community. Make a list on known bugs so you can make sure they get fixed. The admins should be more involved in the community, not so much like outsiders almost.
      Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
    2. babyboynitro

      babyboynitro Experienced Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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    3. YRVintage

      YRVintage Guest

      support. i cant even mine stuff to make $$$
    4. MrFishy

      MrFishy Experienced Member

      May 26, 2014
      Likes Received:
      i support yet i love the original i would totally join back to the community if there was a reset i really miss yall and wanna come back but i just get bored to death because its all the same
    5. _van_off_wall_

      _van_off_wall_ Active Member

      Jul 6, 2014
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    6. Herf

      Herf Boss Member

      Jul 15, 2014
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    7. 196

      196 Boss Member

      Nov 29, 2013
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      Prison feels a bit worn out now. Also if it's reset maybe my perms will be fixed from when I resigned. It's been quite a while since the last reset and if I remember correctly that one did quite a bit of good. Also maybe my perms will be reset. Overall I find that a lot of players nowadays are kind of at the maximum of whatever they can do in prison and have it not get boring, so a reset could bring back a lot of the actual reason for playing for a lot of people. Also maybe my perms will be reset. Definitely support, since I along with a lot of players would appreciate a reset not only to give us something to do but to fix a lot of the things that are broken (like my perms) with prison for everyone as well as the a lot of issues with the economy and power/mcmmo etc.

      Also maybe my perms will be reset.
    8. thorraks

      thorraks Guest

    9. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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    10. Squire

      Squire Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Full support on all ideas!
    11. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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    12. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      yo guys, you all realise this is a 'discussion thread' and not a 'suggestion thread'?
    13. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      I voted so much and got a lot of good stuff like volter crates, xp bottles, etc. Then I walk to the mines happily and get killed. This ticked me off so much, but I couldn't do anything as it doesn't say anything in the rules about this. There should be a passage (A long one) where you can just go to the mine safely, this was on a different server so it would be nice if that was added.
    14. TADS

      TADS Guest

      I honestly feel bad for all the d mine players. There at least needs to be a warp for them. If not, disabled pvp in d-mine.

      But yes, a reset would be nice.
    15. Puri~

      Puri~ Well-Known Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      I don't see the issue with this :p

      On a more serious note, I'd say it'd pretty nice to have a reset because after getting Free there's not much to do.
    16. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Sets of p4 aren't worth 1k.....lmao.
    17. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

    18. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Well to people like me who have stets and sets of it, it's worth nearly nothing. I think you would be hard tasked to find someone who would buy a Titan set for more than 1-2k, however I understand if less rich players found them to be worh some more.
    19. AlienatedBanana

      AlienatedBanana Active Member

      Sep 12, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Totally agree with your first point. Can't begin to comprehend what the rest of the post is about due to falling victim of the unbearable lag when I first joined and have therefore never played Prison at all. Ironic really! :)
    20. FatFish0110

      FatFish0110 Experienced Member

      Aug 2, 2014
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      It's a good suggestion but totally unfair to those like me who have legitly grinded their mcmmo to a high level and don't want to have it all gone just because of other people who hack to get it, on prison I've got 13000 power level legitly, no mods or clients used to get it, and if a whole prison reset was in order what would have been the point of all the time invested in it? Honestly I can't see it happening due to this, unless there was some sort of compensation towards the mcmmo / bal of players.
      Last edited: Nov 17, 2015

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