On Skyblock the hoppers aren't working and the nether was disabled. I just started to get really good and I really want the nether back. Also please fix the hoppers cause i use them for a lot of farms. Plus things from the nether is needed to do some of the islands challenges. Also if the nether is Re allowed Please reset the nether weekly or daily
I agree, I don't know the reasoning behind the nether being disabled... I know hoppers are disabled due to people duplicating and cheating, but I think hoppers are a really important block and that we should solve that issue and get them working again.
They were removed for dupe glitch like tads said but it's not just MineVerse it's a glitch for the whole of MineCraft I agree it should be fixed but only MojangStudios can do this on the next update or only in the later future. They should only be brought back if MojangStudios fixes the dupe glitch, but if they don't, No Support.
Oh im sorry guys I had no idea that there was a duplication glitch with hoppers, But the nether should still be added
no support, same reasons as above. Also it would defeat the point of rares as most things come from the nether
Hoppers yes I support. THE NETHER NEVER EXISTED, all nether based it's were hacked in, and can I ask when you want to go to the nether? It would have a majorly negative effect on the economy, rares would plumit along with gold, blaze rods, lava, obsidian, blaze eggs/spawners, netherrack/brick, soulsand. No support on the nether bit
kinsey_kid I support your comment about the hoppers, but On skyblock for one of the island challenges you need many things, but there all from the nether. I would be OK without the nether if i could just get the explorer challenge done
They disabled the nether on purpose, which personally, I like, and hoppers is a 1.8 glitch that they have yet to patch. Support on the hoppers, but I would say it is better without the nether. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If they updated the server it would be fixed ... we are on 1.8.1 I believe, upgrade it to any other 1.8 and it'll be fixed