I cant support you sorry @TADS4 I don't know why but we just do get along and you haven't really shown maturity to me sorry
Sounds good. Fair enough. Thank you, Wolf. It means a lot coming from you. Thank you, Diamonds. Thank you, Pile. <3 Thank you, Aviators. Fair enough, lol.
Be more active Some people said no support so I don't support you You had an awful history Reasons stated above ;-))
Im sorry but that was a joke if you didn't understand i just said all the reasons he said not to support him lol
For real? I thought moderators had /ban on all servers. Anyway TADS you messaged me because you thought no one would support you simply because your bans. You're a lot better of a friend on mineverse then people think. Not only did you befriend me in less than 10 seconds but showed pure kindness and maturity. Your bans don't change my opinion at all. Honestly I think you've learned from your mistakes and are ready for the moderator position. But what I like most is unlike most others including myself, you waited until you got Well-Known Member (Don't know how you got it so fast) to post your moderator application unlike others who just join the forums and post there application the same day but don't even use the format. Just yourself you show Paitence, Friendliness, Kindness, Helpful, Maturity, Determination and much more. Making this application tells me you want to change your ways. Support. Also, try not to get banned anymore ;)
Support! You have had a bad past, but I can definitely see that you have changed and matured. Good Luck!
No support. You act as if you own everyone and everything. If you can prove to me that this is not the case, I might change my opinion. Until then, good luck.
Thank you for your reply, Discdog. I'll try to work on that. Thank you, ecb. Fair enough. Thank you for your reply, Directionz. I will try my best to work on it, I suppose?
TADS, I have never seen the disrespectful or immature side of you and I don't think it exists. I believe you can be a moderator and if you're saying you're trying to change I believe you. Support, and best of luck to you!