I recently Got a Few ScreenShots of _MEGA_COOKIE_ Blackmailing MatrixTN Saying If you Don't give My **** Back Ima Get You Banned. I Think Thats BlackMailing As it Says In The Rules Heres The gyazo's. https://gyazo.com/2b31acbb15949904ca5611b04c8c4fc6 https://gyazo.com/92c47c19530a084ce13f9c5923314543
Please provide the full screenshots. For all I know, he could have been scammed, thus only needing a warning for profanity.
Well Alex. He got Tp Trapped And He Lagged Out When It Happened. And He Was mad And then Blackmailed him. Ill Get a Full Screen shot for you https://gyazo.com/ba0e5ff6c165b56053d408f03dc2f727 There You Go.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.