My plot is titled under DeadliestChili and i changed my name to cowpigquack and it was still titled under DeadliestChili and i dont own it anymore plz help
You'll have to change your name back and add your new account name to it. There's a lot of bugs with creative when it comes to the plot perms once you change your name.. Please keep this in mind.
You will have to change your username back. As @NoobCupCake said, keep in mind that there are a lot of bugs with changing your username.
NoobCupCake i want to remove someone but i am added plus i cant change my account name there is someone taking my stuff
The player ClearLag is taking your items and comes to all our plots and takes items from the floor like the grinch who stole Christmas.
1 Firstly, you change your name back to old name. 2 When you can change your name back, dispose your plots 3. Change your name 4. Quickly re claim your plots back, be careful as people can claim your disposes plots, but this is very, very unlikely. 5. Enjoy! Or, you could go to [email protected] although you should bump the email (Just reply to it) every week (give or take), then it will be likely that Cyp will listen to you, as he gets a lot of messages and can become very busy