Hello, I'm Foxxywhitepawz and I am an American who is 11. I am trilingual and can speak English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. If you give me the chance to be a Mod for Mineverse. I want to be a mod because when I become mod, I am able to help people when they need help and get the rude people to stop being rude because I have experienced a few mean people on the server. I am also very friendly and funny but still can be serious if needed. Overall, I hope you can make me mod because I believe that I can be very helpful and serious when needed to! Thank you for your time and support!
No support. -New to forums -Not active on forums -Didn't follow template -Not active in-game -Not enough detail This is a large and proffesional server. A 5 line moderator application is not enough.
I did nothing wrong. I gave you constructive criticism, telling you why I am not supporting. Do not argue with me in your application, it does not help you in any way.
No Support You litterally joined today on the forums (This is what Paranormal was trying to say) I suggest waiting a while before applying for mod so then you are more known in the community (On forums) and get some supports, depending on your behaviour. You aren't resilient. You couldn't take some feedback and you took it as criticism You are rude, shown here- Add a LOT more information. I suggest looking at the Accepted Applications for some inspiration but DO NOT COPY. Good Luck
No support. • Never seen you in-game. • New to forums. • Didn't follow template. • Application not detailed enough. Be more active on mineverse & the forums, then give it another go! Thanks, CountryGirl_